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  • 更新时间: 2016/1/14 16:45:11
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  (考试时间:120分钟  满分150分)
  第一部分 听力理解(共两节20小题,满分30分)
  1. Where does the conversation probably take place?
  A. In a bookstore.     B. At an airport.      C. In a post office.
  2. What do we know from the conversation?
  A. The weather was bad for two weeks.
  B. The woman missed the Flower Festival.
  C. The Flower Festival started yesterday.
  3. How many men workers are there in the workshop?
  A. 8.                 B. 62.               C. 70.
  4. When will Linda arrive?
  A. Next week.         B. Today.             C. Tomorrow.
  5. How would the woman most probably go to work?
  A. By bus.             B. By bike.           C. By taxi.
  6. Why does the man enjoy volleyball best?
  A. It is a popular game.
  B. It is a team game.
  C. It is a game showing off his skills.
  7. Where does the man play volleyball in winter?
  A. At local sports centers.
  B. On the beach.
  C. At the national sports center.
  8. How many teams has the man played for?
  A. One                B. Two.                C. Three.
  9. Where does the conversation take place?
  A. In a library.          B. In a classroom.          C. In a bookstore.
  10. Why couldn’t the man get a geography text book?
  A. The books arrived a week late.
  B. Geography textbooks were sold out.
  C. More students attended the class than expected.
  11. How did the man feel at the beginning of the conversation?
  A. Angry.              B. Excited                C. Worried.
  12. What is the relationship between the man and the woman?
  A. Husband and wife.
  B. Doctor and patient.
  C. Instructor and player.
  13. What does the man want to do?
  A. Start a little weight training.
  B. Play basketball with his friends.
  C. Become a member of a basketball team.
  14. What is the woman worried about?
  A. The man’s work.
  B. The man’s health.
  C. The man’s sleeping.
  15. What service does the woman want to sell?
  A. A bargain on dance lessons.
  B. Membership to a sports club.
  C. A great deal on flights to Hawaii.
  16. Why does the man refuse the offer?
  A. He never buys things over the telephone.
  B. He doesn’t have extra money to spend.
  C. He doesn’t need the service being provided.
  17. What do we know about the man?
  A. He will accept the offer next time.
  B. His name will never be removed from the list.
  C. He might be called again in the coming weeks.
  18. Who is the text mainly written for?
  A. Teachers.            B. Parents.           C. Students.
  19. How many pieces of advice are given?
  A. Three              B. Four              C. Five
  20. Which of the following is not a good habit?
  A. Using body language.
  B. Not looking around while talking.
  C. Running after one another between classes.
  第二部分:阅读理解 (共20小题;每小题 2分,满分40分)
  第一节 (共15小题,每小题2分,共30分)
  I ran into a local store today to pick up a few things. With an important meeting to attend, I was in a hurry , so I didn’t take a cart (手推车) on my way inside. As I walked between the shelves in the store, I passed by a young couple and their baby. I continued going through the store, picp a few items I needed and ended up standing behind this couple in the checkout line.
  While waiting, I noticed that the young father was holding his money tightly and nervously. The young mother was carrying a baby in her arms and asked the cashier (收银员) for a job application.
  When the total was rung up, they had to pick items out of their cart because t

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