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  • 更新时间: 2016/1/14 21:20:39
  • 资源来源: 会员转发
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  (满分:150分   时间:120分钟)
  注意事项:1. 答卷前,考生务必将班级、姓名、座号填写清楚。
  2. 每小题选出答案后,填入答案卷中。
  3. 考试结束,考生只将答案卷交回,试卷自己保留。
  第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
  1. When does the man want to play?
  A. Later today. B. Tomorrow. C. Right now.
  2. What does the woman want to eat?
  A. Fruit. B. Eggs. C. Pancakes.
  3. How does the man get to work?
  A. By car. B. By train. C. By bus.
  4. Why was Mr. Johnson in the hospital?
  A. His wife was ill. B. His wife had a baby.
  C. He went to visit his daughter.
  5. What are the speakers talking about?
  A. A lightweight bag. B. Things to wear. C. The warm weather.
  6. What did the woman want to do today?
  A. Play tennis. B. Go for a run. C. Go to the park.
  7. How was the weather last weekend?
  A. Sunny. B. Windy. C. Rainy.
  8. Which room are the speakers painting?
  A. The bedroom. B. The dining room. C. The living room.
  9. What color does the woman want it to be?
  A. Green. B. Red. C. Blue.
  10. What does the woman do at night?
  A. She keeps all the lights on.
  B. She sleeps in a very dark room.
  C. She turns a night light on in her room.
  11. How old was the woman when a man broke into her home?
  A. About four years old. B. About five years old. C. About eight years old.
  12. What was the woman’s father carrying?
  A. A knife. B. A bat. C. A gun.
  13. What is the man doing?
  A. Playing with fire. B. Watching people on the street.
  C. Making paper airplanes.
  14. What can the woman see across the street?
  A. A crowd of people. B. A building. C. A big airplane.
  15. What will happen to the man according to the woman?
  A. He’ll get into trouble. B. He’ll get a reward. C. He’ll get sick.
  16. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?
  A. Brother and sister. B. Father and daughter. C. Mother and son.
  17. What does the speaker do?
  A. A reporter. B. A business woman. C. A writer.
  18. Where does Kareen Christenson work?
  A. At the Local Business magazine.
  B. At the marketing department.
  C. In the Twin Towers building.
  19. Why does the speaker want to talk with James?
  A. For an article.        B. For a new movie. C. For her business.
  20. At what time does the speaker want to meet James?
  A. This week. B. Next week. C. Next year.
  第二部分 阅读理解(共20小题,每小题2分,满分40分)
  I liked adventure. Once I decided to climb a mountain and asncle for advice. He said, “Unfortunately, I am so busy these days. But if no one leads, you are likely to be lost. ”
  I said, “What am I afraid of? If lost, I will call you for help. ” He said with a smile, “Well, I hope you will not get lost. Good luck. ” I confidently said, “I think I’ll certainly be able to return safely.”
  I finally set off by myself. Everything was very smooth at first. When I came close to the top, a sudden strong wind burst. I had to find a shelter to hide my sleeping bag inside. An hour later, I crawled(爬)out and loond. All the places were so familiar and those roads appeared to extend(延伸)in all directions. What should I do? I decided to call for help, but except the sleeping bag, there was nothing left.
  Going on in my despair(绝望), suddenly I found a map from the sleeping bag. Could that be put by Uncle? Anyway, I followed the directions on the map and succeeded in finding a smooth way home.
  Stepping into the house, I was pleased to see Uncle again and said excitedly, “Today, thanks to your map, or I really could not return home. My baggage, including my mobile phone, was blown away. ”

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