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  • 更新时间: 2015/12/25 20:48:56
  • 资源来源: 会员转发
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  (时间:120分钟      总分:150分)
  第一部分 听力 (共两节, 满分30分)
  1. Where will the woman go first?
  A. To the beach.    B. To the bank.        C. To the bathroom.
  2. What does the woman mean?
  A. The man forgot to do his hair.      B. The man forgot to put on a tie.
  C. The man is wearing clothes that don’t match.
  3. How does the woman probably feel?
  A. Annoyed.       B. Hungry.            C. Excited.
  4. Why didn’t the man answer the phone?
  A. He lost it.       B. He didn’t hear it.     C. His phone ran out of power.
  5. Who did the woman want to call?
  A. James.          B. Drake.             C. Daniel.
  6. What does the man order?
  A. Hot dogs and fries.    B. Burgers and fries.    C. Sandwiches and sodas.
  7. How much does the man give the woman as a tip?
  A. Three dollars.        B. Two dollars.        C. One dollar.
  8. Where are the speakers?
  A. In a car.             B. On a boat.         C. On a motorcycle.
  9. What is the woman doing?
  A. Looking at a paper map.       B. Trying to find a website.
  C. Using a phone to give directions.
  10. What does the man lit YouTube?
  A. Watching funny home videos.
  B. Learning about the special TV channels.
  C. Putting his own videos on the website.
  11. What kind of meals do the guys make in Epic Meal Time (《超级开饭时间》)?
  A. Low fat meals.    B. Unhealthy meals.       C. Vegetarian meals.
  12. What happens to the meals in the end?
  A. They are tasted by the audience.    
  B. They are given to the homeless.
  C. They are eaten by the cooks and their friends.
  13. What are the speakers mainly talking about?
  A. Their vets.       B. Money spent on pets.   
  C. Ways to buy dogs’ medicines.
  14. What is the man’s dog’s name?
  A. Brett.           B. Fargo.                C. Ferguson.
  15. What doesn’t the woman lit her vet?
  A. The limited services.              B. The prices her vet charged.
  C. The difficulty of getting an appointment.
  16. What isn’t one of the man’s suggestions?
  A. Going to his vet.  
  B. Looking online.     
  C. Going to a special pet store.
  17. When will the fire arrive close to Lakewood?
  A. By six o’clock in the evening.
  B. By five o’clock in the evening.
  C. By six o’clock in the morning.
  18. Where shouldn’t residents go to escape the fire?
  A. Springfield.
  B. Western Hill.
  C. Point Cabina Station.
  19. How long will it take residents to reach the safe zone?
  A. Less than ten minutes.
  B. Less than twenty minutes.
  C. Less than thirty minutes.
  20. What are residents advised to do before they leave?
  A. Leave all pets behind.
  B. Stay calm and do not panic.
  C. Tell the state police where they are going.
  第二部分 阅读理解 (共两节, 满分40分)
  第一节 (共15小题; 每小题2分, 满分30分)
  阅读下面短文, 从每题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中, 选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
  Is traditional fairytales good all the time?Recent research found one in five parents have abandoned those old classics such as Snow White and the Seven Dwarves and Hansel and Gretel and they’re in favor of more modern books.
  One third of parents said their children have been left in tears after hearing the terrible details of  Little Red Riding Hood. The survey of 2,000 adults was carried out to mark the launch of the hit US drama GRIMM, which starts tonight at 9:00 pm on Watch, and sees six series based on traditional fairytales. The research found a quarter of parents wouldn’t consider reading a fairytale to their child until they had reached the age of five, as they cause too many awestions. And 52 percent of the parents said Cinderella didn’t send a good message to their children as it portrays (描绘) a young woman doing housework all day. Similarly, Goldilocks and the Three Bears was also a tale likely to be left on the book shelf as parents felt it condones (宽恕) stealing.

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