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  • 更新时间: 2015/12/25 21:20:00
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  (考试时间:120 分钟   总分:150 分)
  第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分, 满分7.5分)
  1. Who is answering the phone?
  A. Elaine. B. Allan MacFarlane. C. Bob Harris.
  2. What happened to the driver?
  A. He ran into a bicycle.     B. He drove too slowly.      C. He ran into a tree.
  3. What can we learn from the dialogue?
  A. They limmer.   B. They don't limmer.    C. They think hot weather is nicer.
  4. When should Susan go to meet Professor Brown?
  A. At 9:30. B. At 10:00.        C. At 10:30.
  5. What does the woman plan to do this afternoon?
  A. Buy a new pair of glasses.    B. Shop for some clothes.    C. Go to her classes.
  6. Where does the conversation most likely take place?
  A. In a restaurant. B. In a hotel.      C. On the phone.
  7. When does the restaurant stop serving lunch?
  A. At 1 p. m. B. At 2 p. m. C. At 3 p. m.
  8. How many people will come with the woman for lunch?
  A. One. B. Two. C. Three.
  9. What are the speakers talking about?
  A. Buying a car.   B. Choosing a gift.   C. Using a computer.
  10. What's the relationship between the two speakers?
  A. Husband and wife.    B. Professor and student.    C. Salesman and customer.
  11. What do we know about the person mentioned by speakers?
  A. Maybe he likes something expensive. 
  B. He is surely over sixty years old.
  C. He must be fond of learning.
  12. What's the probable relationship between the speakers?
  A. Close friends. B. Strangers. C. Colleagues.
  13. What's the woman going to do?
  A. She is going to work in a post office nearby.  
  B. She wants to do some exercise.
  C. She intends to post a letter.
  14. What does the woman have to do to reach the destination?
  A. She has to find the entrance inside a building complex.
  B. She has to turn right to the main street.       
  C. She has to register her letter.
  15. What is the present condition of hotline like today?
  A. Poor. B. Popular. C. Rare.
  16. What is the purpose of starting the hotline for teenagers?
  A. To gain the belief of teenagers.      
  B. To make teenagers study hard.
  C. To protect teenagers' rights.
  17. What does the woman think of the hotline for teenagers?
  A. It won't last long.      B. It will be useful.     C. It will save many lives.
  18. What is the purpose of the passage?
  A. To report on the growing middle class of China. 
  B. To introduce a US company.
  C. To analyze the current market.
  19. How many new babies does China have every year?
  A. 11 million. B. 20 million. C. 21 million.
  20. Which of the following is true?
  A. The toys made by China are of poor quality.
  B. China has a lot of high-quality toys exported.    
  C. China is behind in toys-making.
  第二部分  阅读理解 (共两节,满分32分)
  I went online to check if my pay was in my bannt. To my amazement I discovered that not only had I been paid, a company I’d never worked for had also paid me! I knew I’d have been beside myself if my own salary was not in my account, so I tried to get the money back to the right person. Easier said than done.
  The banldn’t help as it wasn’t a bank problem. The human resources department at the company that paid me was unable to help as I didn’t have enough details. I rang the bank again. Thankfully I had a sympathetic call operator who gave me a name, so I again rang the company “Daniel” worked for.
  I expected the banld contact me to arrange to take the money from my account and repay Daniel. I heard nothing for a month and the money remained in my account when Daniel called, explaining he’d tried to get back his money but had been unsuccessful as neither the bank nor his company felt it was their error. He had rung to ask if I could speak to the bant after chatting

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