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  宁波市 2014学年第一学期期末考试
  第一节:单项填空(共20 小题;每小题 0.5 分,满分10 分)
  从A、B、C和D 四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,  并在答题纸上将该选
  1. — How do you find the TV series Red Sorghum adapted from Mo Yan’s novel?
  —________. I can’t think too highly of it.
  A. It’s terrible    B. It’s up to you
  C. It makes no sense    D. It’s really wonderful
  2. Chinese President Xi Jinping held a welcoming ceremony for US President Obama at ______
  Great Hall of the People in Beijing, ______ capital of China, on November 12, 2014.  
  A. the; the  B. the; \  C. a; the    D. \; \
  3.  I didn’t want  to drive all  the way  to Shanghai by myself, so  I ______ Henry, my American
  friend, to ride with me.   
  A. confirmed  B. consulted     C. persuaded    D. permitted
  4. It came as a great surprise to the public ______ some state leaders’ cellphones might have been
  monitored by America’s National Security Agency.
  A. that   B. whether     C. what    D. which
  5. You’d better learn more about table manners, because the British are rather ______ about it.  
  A. responsible  B. casual     C. particular    D. upset
  6. _______for the villagers that he gave away all his money and belongings.
  A. So grateful was the traveler       B. So grateful the traveler was
  C. Such grateful was the traveler       D. Such grateful the traveler was
  7. The 22nd APEC summit has come to an end, but the Chinese elements ______ the meetings
  have drawn widespread attention from the public.
  A. absorbed in  B. concerned about     C. modelled after    D. attached to
  8. With her passionate singing, Zhang Bichen became the winner of the “Voice of China 2014”
  with more than 60 percent of audiences and judges voting in her ______.
  A. charge  B. favor     C. need     D. reward
  9.  ______  it  is  the  first  choice  of many  young  travelers,  Europe  is  also  seen  as  a wonderful
  tourist attraction by many old people.  
  A. While  B. Unless     C. Once    D. Until
  10. On Wednesday, the World Health Organization announced that the number of people killed
  by Ebola has now risen to over five thousand, with more than fourteen thousand ______.
  A. having infected  B. to infect     C. infected    D. infecting
  11. The hotel is ______ easy reach of the town centre. It’s only a ten­minute trip.
  A. against  B. beyond     C. within    D. beneath
  12. Amy ______ better last night, but she was a little nervous and didn’t reach her best standard.
  A. could perform      B. must have performed
  C. should perform      D. could have performed
  13. The App WeChat provides a networking platform ______ communication is faster and easier. 
  A. wh

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