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  • 更新时间: 2015/2/8 13:52:32
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  第I卷  选择题(共95分)
  第一部分 听力理解(本题共两节,满分20分)
  1. What are the speakers doing?
  A. Working.                B. Jogging.                C. Having a drink.
  2. What made the man so worried?
  A. The exam.               B. The paper.               C. His teacher.
  3. How long will the man stay in France?
  A. Five weeks.              B. Three days.              C. Two days.
  4. What was wrong with Jack?
  A. He had a fever.            B. He was in hospital.        C. He was late for work.
  5. Why was the man late for work?
  A. He was in an accident.     B. His car was being repaired.       C. He couldn't get his car going.
  6. How many most beautiful subways are there on the earth?
  A. Nine.                   B. Nineteen.                  C. Eight.
  7. When did the woman go to Shanghai?
  A. Two days ago.            B. Last week.                 C. Last month.
  8. What can we learn from the conversation?
  A. The boss left very early.              B. The speakers enjoyed themselves at the party.
  C. The man regretted having invited his wife's boss.
  9. What is the boss like?
  A. Nice.                     B. Impolite.                 C. Shy.
  10. What does the man want to sell?
  A. Furniture.                  B. Garden supplies.           C. An apartment.
  11.Why does the man want to sell his belongings?
  A. He needs money.            B. He is moving.             C. He likes new things.
  12. How is the man going to pay?
  A. By check.                  B. In cash.                  C. By credit card.
  13. What's the relationship between Mary and John?
  A. Classmates.                B. Mother and son.            C. Brother and sister.
  14. What is John doing?
  A. Putting his shoes on.         B. Making a telephone call.     C. Getting ready to go to school.
  15. How does John go to school?
  A. By taxi.                    B. By bus.                   C. By bike.
  16. How many people are there in Mary's family?
  A. Three.                     B. At least five.               C. No more than four.
  17. How can people avoid forgetting things according to the speaker?
  A. By keeping a diary.           B. By making a schedule.       C. By being reminded by others.
  18. What does “a master schedule” mean?
  A. A schedule made for yourself.               B. A schedule made for your boss.
  C. A schedule with all important things and the time to use.
  19. How many different schedules are mentioned?
  A. One.                       B. Two.                      C. Three.
  20. What can you use your daily schedule to do?
  A. Plan time well.              B. Achieve short-term goals.       C. Achieve long-term goals.
  第二部分 英语知识运用:(共两节,满分35分)
  第一节 单项填空:(共15小题; 每题1分, 满分15分)
  从A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
  21. The delegation(代表团) is on ______ six-day visit to the mainland at ______invitation of the Taiwan Work Office of the CPC's Central Committee.
  A. a; an              B. \; an            C. a; the           D. the; a 
  22. The government said that holding a press conference on the latest developments of the protest _____ necessary for all the residents to obey the law.
  A. were            B. was             C. be              D. being
  23. ______ from all the burden of doing boring housework, these women found themselves out joining in different social activities.
  A. Freed    B. To free          C. Freeing    

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