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  • 更新时间: 2015/2/24 17:23:01
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  一、听力。(共20小题。第1-10小题,每小题1分; 第11-15小题,每小题2分。共20分。)
  1. What’s the time now?
  A. 8:10.                  B. 8:40.                   C. 8:30.
  2.  What is Bill doing?
    A. He is turning on the TV.   B. He is doing his homework.  C. He is watching TV.
  3.  What’s the woman going to do?
    A. She is leaving for Beijing.  B. She is leaving Beijing.     C. She is going to Hangzhou.
  4.  What does the woman do?
    A. An old boss.             B. A doctor.                C. A policewoman.
  5.  Where are the two speakers?
    A. In a city.                B. In an office.              C. In the countryside.
  6.  The boy has to __________ first.
    A. study                   B. work                   C. play
  7.  The boy can play the computer for ____________ at last.
    A. half an hour              B. ten minutes              C. sixty minutes
  8. Where did Sue go for her vacation?
  A. Beijing.                B. Hangzhou.               C. Hainan.
  9.  What did Sue think of the traffic there?
    A. It was excellent.          B. It was awful.             C. It wasn’t bad.
  10. Why did Sue go shopping every day?
    A. The fruits were nice there.   B. To make friends there.     C. To buy some books there.
  When is Mr. Shute free?    11___
  How long did Mr. Shute stay in the city? For  12__
  What is his dog like? __13__
  Who did he go to see the next morning? ___14___
  Who took the medicine at last? ___15___
  11. A. In summer.                B. In winter.                 C. On New Year’s Day.
  12. A. two weeks.                B. two months.               C. two years.
  13. A. Strong.                   B. Small.                    C. Young.
  14. A. His parents.               B. His friend.                C. A doctor.
  15. A. Mr. Shute.                B. Mrs. Shut.                 C. The dog.
  16. My best friend Neil is ________ honest boy. You can believe him.
    A. a                    B. an                    C. the                D. /
  17. The 14th school sports meeting________ two months ago.
  A. is held        B. was held       C. is being held       D. have been held
  18. You should ________ the rules when you visit a museum.
  A. compare with    B. look forward to    C. pay attention to      D. try out

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