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  • 更新时间: 2015/2/8 7:57:39
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  1. Where does the conversation take place?
  A. In a restaurant.            B. In an office.            C. At home.
  2. Why does Paul look fresh and energetic?
  A. He swims quite often.       B. He slept well last night.    C. He went to a fitness class.
  3. Where will the man probably go?
  A. Go to Greenland.          B. Go to a freezing land.      C. Go to Ireland.
  4. What is the weather like now?
  A. Windy and cloudy.        B. Warm and sunny.          C. Sunny but cold.
  5. How often was the magazine published in the past?
  A. Once a week.             B. Once a month.             C. Twice a month.
  6. Why is the woman going to the doctor?
  A. She has a fever.     B. She has a pain in the back.    C. She doesn’t feel well in the chest.
  7. When is the woman expected at the doctor’s?
  A. At 10:00.          B. At 10:30.                   C. At 10:40.
  8. Why did the man tell the woman to turn to the repairman?
  A. The repair shop is near her home.         B. He had his things repaired there before.
  C. The repairman is good and the price is reasonable.
  9. What do we know about the man?
  A. He missed the right turn.                 B. He give the woman wrong directions.
  C. He will take the woman to the repair shop.
  10. When does the conversation take place?
  A. On Monday.          B. On Saturday.          C. On Sunday.
  11. What is Stella’s trouble with her car?
  A. She doesn’t have time or money to have it fixed.
  B. It often breaks down and she has to pull it on the road.
  C. She thinses too much petrol.
  12. What is Stella going to do?
  A. Take her car into a shop.           B. Go to Steve’s to do her homework.
  C. Invite Steve for a meal.
  听第9段材料,回答第13至l 6题。
  13. Where does the lady find her ticket?
  A. in her pocket.            B. On the seat.          C. On the floor.
  14. What has she been doing before her train trip?
  A. Studying at school.       B. Traveling with her parents.     C. Sightseeing in Chicago.
  15. What does the man advise her to do?
  A. Take the train more often.       B. Switch seats.        C. Throw away the ticket.
  16. How many times has she been to Chicago?
  A. Many time.                   B. Twice.              C. Once.
  17. How is the woman’s husband?
  A. He’s dead.            B. He’s alive.            C. He’s not at home.
  18. What does the woman usually have for breakfast?
  A. Potatoes and vegetables.            B. An egg and a glass of orange juice.
  C. Bread and a glass of milk.
  19. What does the woman watch on TV?
  A. Music.         B. Movies and TV plays.          C. News and the weather.
  20. What does the woman hate?
  A. Staying indoors.    B. Looking in the shop windows.   C. Sitting in a park.
  第二部分: 阅读理解 (共两节,满分40分)
  While wearing T-shirts, jeans and a baseball cap are classic American style choices; the preppy(学院风格) look is what sophisticated(高雅时髦的) British youths wear. But when it comes to the best-dressed nation, neither the US nor the UK tops CNN’s list. So which country has the best fashion sense? Take a look.
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