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  • 资源大小: 396 KB
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  • 更新时间: 2015/1/29 17:16:02
  • 资源来源: 会员转发
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  第一部分 听力(共两节,满分20分)
  1. Where does the conversation most probably take place?
  A. At the bus stop. B. At the airport. C. At the railway station.
  2. What is the weather like today?
  A. Rainy. B. Cloudy. C. Fine.
  3. What will happen on Sunday night?
  A. There will be some folk songs. B. A party will be held. C. Some old friends will graduate.
  4. What do we know about the woman?
  A. She is eager to go back home. B. She is excited to leave her friend.
  C. She can’t go to see her family.
  5. What happened to Tom?
  A.He cried terribly. B. He followed the advice. C. He failed the exam.
  6. What was wrong with the man?
  A. He caught a bad cold. B. He missed a good luck.
  C. He had an accident.
  7. When will the man go out of hospital?
  A. In no time. B. Half a month later. C. Tow days later.
  8. What will the man do?
  A. Leave the hotel. B. Check the room. C. Call for a taxi.
  9. Why will the man stop on the way?
  A. To visit friends. B. To buy something. C. To take photos.
  10. Why does the woman lend King Arthur and his Knights to the man right now?
  A. She doesn’t want to. B. She doesn’t like the man.
  C. She hasn’t finished it.
  11. What does the man thinlysses?
  A. Difficult B. Interesting. C. Famous.
  12. What are the speakers talking about?
  A. Magazines. B. Books. C. Newspapers.
  13. What is the woman doing?
  A. Attending her husband. B. Discussing business. C. Asking for leaving.
  14. When will the woman probably come back to work?
  A. Tuesday. B. Wednesday. C. Thursday.
  15. What kind of person is the man?
  A. Considerate. B. Cautious. C. Confident.
  16. What’s the probable relationship between the speakers?
  A. Doctor and patient. B. Employer and employee. C. Husband and wife.
  17. What is the purpose of the speaking?
  A. To give suggestions for losing weight.    B. To give tips to keeping fit.
  C. To give advice on reducing stress.
  18. Which exercise is the best for a quiet student?
  A. Ball games. B. Jogging. C. Walking.
  19. What will happen if you don’t have enough sleep?
  A. You can’t focus your mind.  B. You can’t eat well.  C. You can’t get on with your classmates.
  20. How many tips does the speaker give?
  A. 2. B. 3. C. 4.
  第二部分  阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)
  Strange Baby-Naming Laws
  Germany Parents are banned by law from using last names and the names of objects and products as first names. A child’s first name must clearly indicate his or her sex, and all names must be approved by the office of vital statistics in the area in which the child was born.
  Iceland The country’s naming committee consults the N

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