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  • 更新时间: 2015/1/29 12:49:37
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  (总分:120分; 考试时间:120分钟)
  第I卷 (共70分)
  1.What will the speakers do next?
  A. Play basketball B. Play cards C. Do a crossword puzzle
  2.What time is it now?
  A.8:00    B.7:00   C.6:30
  3.What will the woman do this Saturday?
  A. See a movie
  B. Go away on business
  C. Take care of her sister’s baby
  4.What does the woman think of the movie?
  A. It is the best one she has seen
  B. It is not interesting
  C. It is not that bad
  5.Why didn’t the woman go to the party?
  A. She doesn’t like parties
  B. She didn’t know anyone there
  C. She had serious stomachache
  6.What does the woman want to do today?
  A. Clean the garden  B. Grow flowers  C. Stay at home
  7.What does the woman advise the man to take?
  A. A hat   B. A bottle of oil  C. Ice cream
  8.What kind of double room does the man want?
  A. One with a fridge B. One facing the sea C. One on the second floor
  9.Why doesn’t the man want the room on the seventh floor?
  A. It doesn’t have a computer B. It doesn’t have a bathroom
  C. It isn’t very convenient
  10.Where is the dialogue happening ?
  A. In a hospital  B. On the telephone  C. In the man’s house
  11.What problem does the woman have ?
  A. She has had a heart attack
  B. Her grandmother has had a heart attack
  C. She can’t find her grandmother
  12.What does the man advise the woman to do?
  A. Go to a hospital  B. Close the window C. Find her grandmother’s white pills
  13.Who has gone abroad for further study?
  A. The woman    B. The man      C. Mary
  14.What is the most difficult problem for people studying abroad according to the woman?
  A. The pressure of study and the higher cost
  B. It is hard to get used to foreign life and customs
  C. How to overcome homesickness
  15.What will the two speakers do next?
  A. Give a report  B. Go to a lecture  C. Continue their discussion
  16.What is the probable relationship between the speakers?
  A. Teacher and student  B. Teacher and parent C. Classmates
  17.Where is Fiji located?
  A .In the Southwest Pacific Ocean
  B. In the Northwest Pacific Ocean
  C. In the Southeast Pacific Ocean
  18.What makes Fiji such a beautiful paradise(乐园)?
  A. Its location and its forests
  B. Its tropical rain
  C. Its mild temperature
  19.What is Fiji’s official language ?
  A. French   B. Traditional Fijian   C. English
  20.What are the people in Fiji like ?
  A. They are very happy and friendly
  B. They don’t like to laugh
  C. They are the richest people on earth
  Not long ago, a rock band called the Backstreet Boys made a big splash on the music scene. Young people everywhere loved their songs. One of the band’s biggest fans was a young boy named Aaron Carter. Aaron had a special reason for tach an interest in the band. Nick Carter, one of the Backstreet Boys, was Aaron’s big brother .

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