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  湖南省•十三校2014届高三下学期第二次联考 英语试题(word版)
  PartⅠ Listening Comprehension (30 marks)
  Section A (22.5 marks)
  Directions In this section, you will hear six conversations between two speakers.For each conversation, there are several questions and each question is followed by three choices marked A, B and C.Listen carefully and then choose the best answer for each question.
  You will hear each conversation TWICE.
  Conversation 1
  1.How long has the woman lived in the house?
  A.13 years.     B.15 years.          C.50 years.
  2.Why does the woman want to sell her house?
  A.She will live with her children.
  B.She is in need of money.
  C.She has to work in Los Angeles.
  Conversation 2
  3.Who is the man?
  A.A repairman.    B.A mover.        C.A cleaner.
  4.Which of the following hasn’t the woman mentioned?
  A.The floor.
  B.The ceiling.
  C.The windows.
  Conversation 3
  5.What did the woman do?
  A.She made a wrong turn.
  B.She failed to stop at a red light.
  C.She slowed down before the yellow light.
  6.What can we learn from the conversation?
  A.The woman was fined.
  B.Something was wrong with the traffic lights.
  C.The officer let the woman off with a warning.
  Conversation 4
  7.What is the man doing?
  A.Making a pizza for the woman.
  B.Giving the woman a free sample of pizza.
  C.Bargaining with the woman.
  8.According to the man, what is the best part about the pizza?
  A.The price.
  B.The convenience.
  C.The amount of cheese.
  9.What will the woman do?
  A.Help the man sell pizza.
  B.Go to the frozen food section.
  C.Give the man some money.
  Conversation 5
  10.When did the man arrive in Berlin?
  A.Two weeks ago.  B.Three weeks ago. C.Four weeks ago
  11.Which part about German learning is difficult for the man?
  A.Pronunciation. B.Grammar.        C.Vocabulary.
  12.What does the man say about his teacher?
  A.He’s like other Germans.
  B.He is humorous.
  C.He is impatient.
  Conversation 6
  13.What does Nathan have to write down first?
  A.His personal information.
  B.His family history.
  C.His education bacnd.
  14.Why does Nathan say he is in trouble?
  A.He got fired from his last job.
  B.He has never filled out an application before.
  C.He has never had a real job before.
  15.Who will Nathan probably choose as his personal reference?
  A.The woman. B.His parents.      C.Mr.Nelson.
  Section B (7.5 marks)
  Directions In this section, you will hear a short passage.Listen carefully and then fill in the numbered blanks with the information you have heard.Fill in each blank with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS.
  You will hear the short passage TWICE.
  Part n  Language Knowledge (45 marks)
  Section A (15 marks)
  Directions For each of the following unfinished sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D.Choose the one that best completes the sentence.
  21.It is our hope that more trees _____ here next year.
  A.will plant                       B.have planted
  C.will be planted               D.have been planted
  22.After six hours7 drive, they finally reached _____ they thought was the place they had been dreaming of.
  A.that             B.which     C.where      D.what
  23.One important aim of

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