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  时量:120分钟      分值:150分      命题人:
  Section A (22.5 marks)
  Directions: In this section, you will hear six conversations between two speakers. For each conversation, there are several questions and each question is followed by three choices marked A, B and C. Listen carefully and then choose the best answer for each question.
  You will hear each conversation TWICE.
  Conversation 1
  1. After how many stops should the man get off the first bus?
  A. Three stops.                B. Four stops.              C. Five stops.
  2. Which bus should the man change for?
  A. No.22.                    B. No.25.                  C. No.52.
  Conversation 2
  3. What does the girl’s mother most likely do?
  A. A doctor.                  B. A banker.         C. A teacher.
  4. What’s the man’s telephone number?
  A. 8553-2299.           B. 8553-3299.       C. 8553-3229.
  5. Where does this conversation probably take place?
  A. In a post office.             B. In a restaurant.            C. In a department store.
  6. Why doesn’t the woman choose the bowl?
  A. It isn’t easy to take it home.               
  B. She isn’t satisfied with its design.                
  C. Blue and white are not her favorite colors.
  7. When will the man come back from the trip?
  A. On December 22nd.        B. On January 3rd.           C. On January 13th.
  8. Which flights is the man going to take for his round trip?
  A. Flight 414 and Flight 476.   B. Flight 476 and Flight 220.    C. Flight 220 and Flight 414.
  9. When should the man arrive at the airport to take a plane for Chicago?
  A. By 2:00 p.m.  B. By 6:30 p.m. C. By 3:00 p.m.
  Conversation 5
  10. Where does this conversation probably take place? 
  A. At the railway station.      B. At the bus station.        C. At the airport.
  11. What will the man do about his lost suitcase?
  A. Wait until reported.        B. Report to the staff.          C. Forget it.
  12. Where does the man let the woman wait?
  A. At the bookshop.                
  B. In the place where the suitcase is lost.             
  C. At the coffee shop.
  Conversation 6
  13. Why hasn’t the man chatted online before?
  A. His computer is too old. 
  B. He doesn’t believe in network.       
  C. Nobody teaches him how to do that.
  14. How many mp3 files does the woman usually download per day?
  A. Thirteen.              B. Twenty.              C. Thirty.
  15. Which of the following statements in Not true?
  A. The woman can download eight movies a day at most.     
  B. The woman has been chatting online a lot with friends recently.                  
  C. It doesn’t take long to download mp3 files.
  Section B (7.5 marks)
  Directions: In this section, you will hear a short passage. Listen carefully and then fill in the numbered blanks with the information you have heard. Fill in each blank with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS.
  You will hear the short passage TWICE.
  A Clever Student
  The teacher noticed the student was always  16        .
  thought he had changed to  17        .
  was very surprised seeing the boy’s name.
  prepared a difficult  18        .
  found only  19         small mistake.
  The student didn’t go to class any more after  20       .
  PART TWO:   LANGUAGE KNOWLEDGE (45 marks)               
  Section A (15 marks)
  Directions: For each blank in the following unfinished sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence.
  21. On her next birthday, Jane ______married for thirty years.
  A. is             B. will be         C. has been        D. will have been
  22. It has been proved ____ several new kinds of medicine____ a positive effect on the cure of H7N9.
  A. which,has B. if, has           C. that, have D. what, have
  23. I’m calling to ask for information about the position____ in the local TV news.
  A. advertising        B. advertised       C. having advertised   D. to advertise
  24. Being examined twice a year is the rule that every driver _____ obey in this city.
  A. shall             B. can            C. ought to           D. need
  25. —When did Tom leave?

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