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  英 语 试 题
  时量:120分钟       分值:150分
  PartⅠ Listening Comprehension (30 marks)
  Section A (22.5 marks)
  Directions: In this section, you will hear six conversations between two speakers.For each conversation, there are several questions and each question is followed by three choices marked A, B and C.Listen carefully and then choose the best answer for each question.
  You will hear each conversation TWICE.
  Conversation 1
  l.How does the boy sound in the beginning?
  A.Discouraged.      B.Satisfied.     C.Nervous.
  2.What does his mother suggest?                      
  A.Going to the English Corner.
  B.Reading more books.
  C.Learning more'words.
  Conversation 2
  3.How long is the trip to Los Angeles?
  A.Eight hours.    
  B.Eight and a half hours.  
  C.Nine hours.
  4.Where can the.man get on the-bus?
  A.At Gate 10.         
  B.At Gate 11, upstairs.       
  C.At Gate -l2,,aownstairs.
  Conversation 3
  5.When did the woman go to the seaside for the last time?
  A.Last June. B.Last July C.Last month.
  6.Why will the woman not go to-the-seaside?
  A.Because, she will have no spare time.
  B.Because she has not earned enough money.                          :
  C.Because her father will have no spare-time.
  Conversation 4
  7.For what would the man stay in line for 5 hours?
  A.Two tickets for a concert. 
  B.Two tickets for a contest.
  C.One ticket for an opera.   
  8.What does the woman thint that opera? 
  A.It is difficult to understand.
  B.It has good singing.      
  C.It isn't as interesting as a Broadway musical.   
  9.What do the two speakers plan to do after they see the Seal concert?
  A.To have dinner.      
  B.T6 see a concert.   
  C.To go to an opera.
  Conversation 5
  10.What happened to the man?
  A.He found his house was broken into.
  B.He locked himself out.
  C.He forgot to lock the front door.
  11.When were al
  Directions: For each of the following unfinished sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D.Choose the one that best completes the sentence.
  21.With the tourist trade booming, the residents of this area are paying more attention to the protection of nature, ____, of course, is of great importance.
  A.that       B.which              
  C.what               D.whether
  22.—Have you found your lost eraser?
  —Yes, already.It was just under my nose, ____ beside a leg of my desk.
  A.lying        B.having lain         
  C.to lie               D; laying
  2 3.—The concert held at the City Theater last night was really impressive.
  —Yes, ____.
  A.I can ^t agree more                  B.I agree too much
  C.I don't agree too much              D.I agree more
  24.Some young people always take it for granted that only if we have enough money ___ a happy

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