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  高 二 英 语
  第I卷  客观卷(两部分,共75分)
  1. Nowadays more people send New Year’s greetings by _____ e-mail instead of talking on ______ telephone.
  A. the; the          B. an; the           C. /; the          D. an; /
  2. Film star Jet Li’s contribution to the One Foundation Project is ______, and many
  people respect him for it.
  A. available       B. admirable         C. constant         D. attractive
  3. ____ bad-tempered at times, he is still respected by all the students.
  A. In spite of    B. Though    C. Until    D. Despite
  4.  The country life he was used to________ greatly since 1992.
  A. change            B. has changed           C. changing            D. have changed
  5. He didn’t return home until his money ______, which made his parents disappointed.         A. was run out      B. has run out of      C. ran out of           D. ran out 
  6. Learning that his family were safe, he_______ a sigh of relief.
  A. made out       B. let out       C. left out      D. set out
  7. ______ in this way, the result seems unsatisfactory, so we’d better have another try.
  A. To look at      B. Looking at     C. Looked at       D. To be looking at
  8. I’m sorry _____ you that I regret ______my radio at such a low price at the flea market.
  A. to tell; selling      B. to tell; sell  
  C. telling; to sell       D. to tell; to sell
  9. There are all kinds of English poems, _______ nursery rhymes are the most popular.
  A. with which        B. of which         C. which         D. where
  10. --Do all _______ you think are right, _______ others say.
  --Yes,  I________.
  A. what; as; do         B. as; no matter what; will
  C. that; whatever; will   D. what; whatever; must
  11. —Than very much. What you have done helped me a lot.
  —Don’t mention it. Anyone ______ the same.
  A. will do         B. has done          C. would have done       D. had done
  12. The order came that the medical supplies ______ to the village without delay.
  A. would be sent   B. should send     C. be sent        D. must be sent
  13. --David has made great progress recently.
  -- _____, and _____.
  A. So he has;   so you have             B. So he has;   so have you  
  C. So has he;   so have you             D. So has he;  so you have
  14. --Do you think it is going to rain over the weekend?   --______.
  A.I don’t believe           B. I don’t believe it
  C.I believe not so          D. I believe not
  15. —It’s cloudy today. Please tambrella with you.
  —__________ .
  A. Yes, take it easy        B. Well, it all depends
  C. Ost in case        D. All right, you’re welcome

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