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  • 资源类别: 人教版 / 高中试卷 / 高二上学期试卷
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  • 资源大小: 131 KB
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  • 更新时间: 2014/1/9 22:54:05
  • 资源来源: 会员转发
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  1. Where are the two speakers?
  A . At a restaurant.   B . At home.   C. At a hotel .
  2. What do we know about Steve?
  A. He said he disliked the apartment.
  B. He has already signed a contract.
  C. He doesn’t always tell others his thought.
  3. What are the two speakers talking about?
  A. Air pollution.    B. Their school .   C . A factory.
  4. How many days will the man have to prepare for the final exam?
  A. One day    B. Two days.    C. Three days
  5. Who is married?
  A. The woman.    B. The man’s sister .   C. The man .
  6. What is the weather like today?
  A. Cold and bright .    B. Snowy and cold    C.Nice and bright
  7. How many degrees does the temperature increase by from yesterday to today ?
  A. 5°C.          B. 10°C.         C. 15°C
  8. What did the man buy last week ?
  A. A bag.    B.A clock    C. A recorder
  9. What does the man want to do ?
  A. Change a new one .     B.Ask the woman for a receipt.    C.Get his money back.
  10. What are the two speakers mainly talking about ?
  A. Plans of saving.    B. Ways of losing weight    C. Changes of food service
  11. How are the students supposed to pay according to the letter ?
  A. Daily.    B . Yearly    C. Weekly
  12. How does the man feel about the options?
  A. They are good for few people.
  B. They are difficult for people to choose.
  C. They are good for all the people .
  13. How long is the journey ?
  A. 5 km    B. 10 km    C. 15km .
  14. What do we know about the man ?
  A. He has a bad memory .
  B. He spends much time waiting for the bus .
  C. He seldom does exercise.
  15. What does the woman suggest the man do ?
  A. Eat more and sleep more.
  B. Eat regularly and sleep early.
  C. Do exercise and sleep less .
  16. What is the man’s attitude towards the woman’s words ?
  A. Happy    B. Thankful.    C. Impatient.
  17. When can students of reading club get together?
  A. On Wednesday.     B. On Saturday .    C. On Thursday.
  18. How many members are there in the music club ?
  A. 85.    B. 90    C. 95.
  19 .How long does the bike riding last?
  A. One hour.    B. Two hours .   C. Three hours
  20 . How many clubs are mentioned in the passage?
  A. Two    B. Three .   C. Four
  21 .In Dali Mr Green was so struck by the beauty of _____nature that he stayed for _____third week.
  A. the ; the    B. the ; a   C. 不填;the    D. 不填;a
  22. ——Did you stay up very late last night?
  ——No,It was not 10 o’clock yet ____I went to bed.
  A . when      B. until     C. that    D. while 
  23 . If I remember correctly, _______was ten years ago that your brother went to Canada.
  A. this       B. which     C. as     D. it

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