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  太  原  五  中
  高  二  英  语
  第I卷(选择题  共80分)
  第一部分: 英语知识运用(共两节,满分40)
  第一节: 单项选择(共20小题;每题1分,共20分)从各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项。
  1. We can hardly      him if we all work in the same school.
  A. to avoid meeting          B. avoid to meet
  C. avoid meeting            D. avoid meet
  2. He is a lazy man      nobody wants to work with     .
  A. as ; him     B. / ;/     C. which ;/  D. whom ; him
  3. First you should be confident      yourself      it .
  A. of ; in      B. with ; of  C. of ;with  D. on ;off
  4. Father is     us a meal . We may wash our hands and     the meal.
  A. preparing ; prepare         B. preparing ; prepare for
  C. preparing for ; prepare      D. preparing for ; preparing for
  5.      Is there anything wrong , Bob ? You look sad .
  Oh ,nothing much . In fact , I      of my friends back home .
  A. have just thought         B. was just thinking
  C. would just think         D. will be just thinking
  6.    The couple’s quarrelling and fighting last Sunday   ___each other .
  I think so . Nancy was      in the arm and she blamed that her arm       the whole week .
  A. wounded ; injured ; was hurting
  B. hurt ; hurt ; was hurting
  C. hurt ; wounded ; was hurting
  D. injured ; hurt ; was wounding
  7.     French , I have to study a second foreign language .
  A. In addition that          B. In addition
  C. In addition to            D. Beside
  8.      common with many boys ,he likes playing computer games .
  A. At         B. with        C. In       D. To
  9. The specialist      at the meeting will give us a lecture next week .
  A. referred    B. referred to    C. referring  D. referring to
  10. As it turned out to be a problem of no importance , we     so much time looking into it .
  A. needn’t spend            B. didn’t have to spend
  C. needn’t have spent        D. oughtn’t to spend
  11.      you meet with new words when reading English articles , you can guess the meaning first .
  A.  Every time      B. First time   C. For the first time   D. At the time
  12.      prices , we have to take into consideration the quality of the goods .

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