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  • 更新时间: 2013/12/17 13:35:04
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  英 语 试 题
  第Ⅰ卷(选择题  共115分)
  第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
  1. What does the man mean?
  A. He doesn't know why the coffee tastes bad.
  B. He thinks they ought to go to the coffee shop.
  C. He only wants coffee because he isn't hungry.
  2. Why did the man want to go to the library?
  A. To return a book.      B. To borrow a book.      C. To read something.
  3. What does the man mean?
  A. Margie has gone home.    
  B. He's known Margie for a long time.    
  C. He just met Margie.
  4. Why was Carl at the hospital?
  A. He was sick.         B. His wife was sick.       C. He was visiting his daughter.
  5. What is the woman riding in?
  A. In a train.           B. In a plane.             C. In a taxi.
  听第 6 段材料,回答第 6-7 题。
  6. What's the man?
  A. A film star.          B. A bus driver.         C. A famous racing-driver.
  7. What's the man's name?
  A. Grand Prix.          B. Joe.                C. Studio.
  听第 7 段材料,回答第 8-10 题。
  8. What are they talking about?
  A. About the plan for tonight.
  B. About a terrible old film.    
  21. --- Will you please spare me a few minutes now?
  --- ___, but I’ll be free in half an hour.
  A. No, I can’t   B. Yes, with pleasure   C. No problem    D. I’m afraid not
  22. That is ___ most moving play so that ___ most people like to see it.
  A. a; a          B. the; the          C. the; /         D. a; /
  23. The unemployment figures this year are close to ___ of the year before last.
  A. that           B. ones           C. one   D. those
  24. It is well known ___ a person eats causes changes in the body.
  A. what        B. that what        C. what that     D. that
  25. You should try to get a good night sleep____ much wor have to do.
  A. however     B. whatever         C. no matter     D. although
  26. I was not bothered by his poor English ___ by his lack of manners.
  A. as

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