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  • 更新时间: 2013/12/4 22:39:40
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  第一部分  英语知识运用 
  第一节 语法和词汇知识(共25小题;每小题1分,满分25分)
  1. As simple and convenient way to get        Latest fashions online, online shopping also has        major problem—you can’t see whether they fit or not.
  A.the;the B. 不填;the C. the;a D. 不填;不填
  2. Of all the books on the desk, _____is of any use for our study.
  A. no one        B. nothing        C.none         D. neither
  3.—Oh, Mum, just a few minutes.
  —Hurry up, Harry, or by the time you pacr belongings, the flight ____.
  A. has left  B.will have left  C.had left   D.will be leaving                    ,
  4.Relax yourself every day, ________ you'll be too tired to get good grades.
  A. and            B. or            C. for             D. but    
  5.—Would you rather come on Friday or Saturday?
  A. Yes, of course           B. The other is better 
  C. That's ok                  D. Either would suit me
  6.____ you call me to say you are not coming, I will see you at the theatre at five this afternoon.
  A .Though           B. Whether       C. Unless       D. Until
  7 —Oh, doctor, The wound on my leg is infected.
  —You really shouldn’t have left it _______ to the sun.
  A. discovered     B. exposed       C. opened          D. buried
  8.We're considering students' request ______the school cafeteria should provide more kinds of food.
  A. how           B. what        C. that          D. whether
  9.Although _____of danger, tourists can't help taking photos near the cliff (悬崖) .
  A. having warned    B.warned  C. warning         D. to be warned
  10.—Fined ¥100! You were driving 100 KM an hour, don't you?
  —No, officer. I _____.This car doesn't do 80.
  A. shouldn't have been              B. mustn't have been
  C. can't have been               D. mightn't have been    
  11.—What shall we do this weekend?
  —_____ .Whatever you want.
  A. It's up to you    B. I couldn't agree more  
  C. No problem       D. It depends
  12. —Mr Harry, we want to hear what you thint the reform being carried out in our school.
  —OK, I        to that.
  A. am coming B. have come C. came D. had come
  13. Try to be independent, for your parents can't do __________for you all your life.
  A. something       B. nothing       C. everything      D. anything
  14.        is recorded in the history book , Diaoyu Island has belonged to China since ancient times.
  A. As B. That C. Which D. What
  15. Everyone is different and that is ________ mar world so much better.
  A. that            B. which          C. what           D. who
  16. There are lots of problems in your hometown, but we're happy to see many of them________.
  A. are solving      B. are solved      C. have solved     D. are being solved
  17. You had better book rooms at the hotel in advance        you should find no room on your arrival.
  A. so that B. even if C. in case D. now that
  18. — Have you heard me?
  — I’m sorry, I        you         to me.
  A. don’t know, are speaking B. didn’t know, were speaking
  C. don’t know, were speaking     D. didn’t know, are speaking
  19. The bird was so lucky that it missed       
  A. catching B. to catch C. to be caught    D. being caught
  20. I bought my younger sister a toy with my pocket money,________that is cheap but beautiful.
  A.one   B.the one   C.this   D.that
  21. —Do you have anything planned for this afternoon?
  —Yes. I’m going to ________a fa

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