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  第一节 语法和词汇知识(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)
  1. — How about taking _____short walt I’d like to have _____coffee instead.
  A. the; a           B. a; the             C. the; the         D. a; a
  2. As it went on, I ______ that the job was going to take longer than I thought.
  A. requested       B. suggested         C. deserved      D. realized
  3. The drugs work well at first but ______ lose their effectiveness.
  A. gradually       B. actually          C. especially       D. frequently
  4. Qufu in Shandong is a place with many cultural relics, _____are well looked after.
  A. where         B. which           C. that           D. what
  5. She is the youngest in the family. She always ___________ the biggest apple.
  A. has got         B. gets             C. got            D. was getting
  6. — How long do you think it will be _________the project is finished?  — Perhaps two or three days.
  A. when           B. until             C. that          D. before
  7. I'd ________it if you let me get on with my job.
  A. appreciate      B. doubt            C. explore        D. perform
  8. My father has to go to work by taxi because his car ________at the garage.
  A. is repaired   B. will be repaired  C. is being repaired    D. has been repaired
  9. — What are you up to there? — I’m planning my _____for the coming holiday.
  A. attitude        B. opinion          C. schedule        D. invitation
  10. A number of questions ____at the meeting, but none was answered.
  A. cared about     B. came up           C. toot          D. set up
  11. —Going to the cinema tonight?—No, I'm tired. I _____ an early night.
  A. am having      B. had               C. will have had      D. have
  12. Mom called me yesterday, asking me ______I was getting along with the exam.
  A. when          B. how              C. whether          D. why
  13. In British universities, no subjects are compulsory. Students can study _____they want.
  A. wherever       B. whatever          C. however          D. whoever
  14. —What's the matter with Rod?— I think he's _______ that we forgot his birthday.
  A. strange         B. stubborn          C. reliable         D. upset
  15. Have you realized the part the Internet has _____in our daily life?

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