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  • 资源大小: 95 KB
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  • 更新时间: 2013/12/4 0:01:07
  • 资源来源: 会员转发
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  1. 本试题共分两部分,全卷共150分。考试时间为120分钟。
  3. 第II卷必须使用0.5毫米的黑色墨水签字笔书写在试卷的指定位置,在草稿上答题无效。要求字体工整、笔迹清晰。
  第一部分 听力(共两节,满分20分)
  1. Why didn’t the man recognize the woman?
  A. She has long hair now.
  B. She lost some weight.
  C. She is wearing a lot of map.
  2. What is the woman doing?
  A. Trying to go to sleep.
  B. Learning how to sing.
  C. Writing a paper.
  3. Which department did the man use to work in?
  A. The Finance Department.
  B. The Marketing Department.
  C. The Sales Department.
  4. What will the man do after graduation?
  A. Study abroad.      B. Get a job.      C. Stay at home.
  5. How does the man usually go to work?
  A. By bus.    B. By subway.      C. On foot.
  6. Where might the boys be?
  A. On the lake.      B. In a hotel.     C. In the kitchen.
  7. What is the woman’s wish?
  A. To cook some fish.
  B. To go out with the boys.
  C. To have a holiday next year.
  8. What is the relationship between the speakers?
  A. Neighbors.    B. Classmates.     C. Husband and wife.
  9. Where are the speakers?
  A. On the beach.     B. At school.      C. At a party.
  10. What are the speakers going to do next?
  A. Eat lunch.     B. Go surfing.    C. Go to class.
  11. How often does the man usually visit his aunt?
  A. Once a week.    B. Twice a week.    C. Every other day.
  12. Where does his aunt live?
  A. Far away from the shops.
  B. Near the shopping center.
  C. In the countryside.
  13. What does the man do for his aunt?
  A. Go on walks with her.
  B. Take her to the hospital.
  C. Chat with her.
  14. What are the speakers planning to do at last?
  A. Go to Pakistan.
  B. Bake some cookies.
  C. Have a fashion show.
  15. Why do they want to do that?
  A. To help the poor.
  B. To raise money.
  C. To become famous.
  16. Who might the speakers ask for help?
  A. Some local shops.
  B. Their school.
  C. The government.
  17. What kind of announcement is this?
  A. A training video.      B. An advertisement.    C. A live speech.
  18. What is the most important according to the speaker?
  A. The customer.    B. Loor best.      C. Team spirit.
  19. What is the correct temperature for a properly cooked hamburger?
  A. 80 degrees.      B. 150 degrees.     C. 180 degrees.
  20. To whom is this talk addressed?
  A. Customers to McDonald’s.
  B. New staff in McDonald’s.
  C. Visitors to McDonald’s.
  第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分35分)
  第一节:语法和语汇知识(共20小题;每小题1 分,满分15分)
  21. My sister is a girl of ______few words, but she comes to _____life when we talk   about film stars.
  A. a; 不填        B. a; a       C. 不填; 不填      D. a; the
  22. --- I will see you at 6:30 at the gate of the theatre, ok?
  --- Good, __________.
  A .that’s settled    B. go ahead    C. it doesn’t matter   D. it’s up to you
  23. The 2008 Olympic Games were a great success. ________, it was one of the most
  fascinating sporting events in C

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