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  英   语      
  I 听力(共15题;每小题1分,满分15分)
  听下面5段对话或独白,每段对话和独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A B C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置,听每段对话和独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话和独白读两遍。
  1. What do we know about Nora?
  A. She prefers a room of her own.
  B. She likes to work with other girls.
  C. She lives near the city center.
  2.What is good about the flat?
  A. It has a large sitting room.
  B. It has good furniture.
  C It has a big kitchen.
  3.Where has Barbara been?  
  A. Milan.       B. Florence.       C. Rome.
  4. What has Barbara got in her suitcase? 
  A. Shoes.      B. Stones.      C. Books.
  5. Who is making the telephone call?
  A. Thomas Brothers.     B. Mike Landon.     C. Jack Cooper.
  6. What relation is the woman to Mr. Cooper?
  A. His wife.      B. His boss.      C. His secretary.
  7. What is the message about?
  A. A meeting.       B. A visit to France     C. The date for a trip
  8. Who could the man speaker most probably be?
  A. A person who saw the accident.
  B. The driver of the lorry.
  C. A police officer.
  9 . What was Mrs. Franks doing when the accident took place?
  A. Walking along Churchill Avenue.
  B. Getting ready to cross the road.
  C. Standing outside a bank.
  10. When did the accident happen?
  A. At about 8:00 am.
  B. At about 9:00 am.
  C. At about 10:00 am.
  11. How did the accident happen?
  A.A lorry hit a car.
  B.A car ran into a lorry.
  C.A bank clershed into the street.
  12. What is the talk mainly about?
  A. The history of the school.
  B. The courses for the term.
  C. The plan for the day.
  13. Where can the visitors learn about the subjects for new students?
  A. In the school hall.
  B. In the science labs.
  C. In the classrooms.
  14.What can students do in the practical areas?
  A. Take science courses.
  B. Enjoy excellent meals.
  C. Attend workshops.
  15. When are the visitors expected to asestion?
  A. During the lunch hour.
  B. After the welcome speech.
  C. Before the tour of labs.
  II. 单项填空(共26题;每小题0.5分,满分13分)
  16.  I ________ it myself ________ your homework.
  A. prefer do; rather than copy    B. prefer doing; than copy
  C. would do; rather than copy   D. would rather do; than copy
  17. I can never forget the days _____ we worked together and the days ______ we spent happily together.
  A. for which; that   B. which; when  C. when; which   D. on which; when
  18.  We have to ______ a time to discuss the matter again.
  A. make             B. schedule           C. have             D. create
  19.  Even though she has many ______, I _______ any less.
  A. faults; don’t fond of her                    B. shortcomings; don’t love her
  C. errors; don’t like her                      D. mistakes, am not fond of her
  20.  It might be very difficult to find the ____ of the information.
  A. cause            B. resource           C. source             D. course
  21.  Go about your business your own way. Don’t _____what others think or say.
  A. care for           B. care about         C. care with          D. care of
  22.  You have to keep on learning if you want to keep ______ with the development of modern science and technology.
  A. peace            B. touch             C. pace

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