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  • 更新时间: 2013/11/21 21:48:02
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  本试卷共10页, 小题,满分150分。考试用时120分钟。
  一、听力 (本大题5小题,每小题5分,共5分。)
  There once was a farmer. One day, when he was in the grain storehouse, he      1           that he had lost his watch. He searched for a long time, but he still couldn’t find it, so he went out and asked a group of children playing outside the storehouse for help. “Whoever finds it will get a big    2   ,” he said.
  Hearing this, the children hurried inside the storehouse. They looked everywhere, up and down and around the       3       storehouse. Still no one found the watch. Just when the farmer was about to       4      , a little boy came up to him and asked for one more chance. The farmer looked at him and thought, “He’ll never find it, but why not let him try?” So the little boy went back into the store, all alone. After a while the little boy came out----with the watch in his hand! The farmer        5      . “How did you succeed when the rest of us all failed?” he asked. The boy replied, “I just sat on the ground and listened. In the silence, I heard the watch ticking, and then I just followed the ticking.”
  6. She is c__________(担心)about her son’s future.
  7. He walked along in the shadows, hoping no one would r_____________ (认出) him.
  8. How can I __________ (说服;使…相信)you that I am sincere?
  9. She has learnt to b______ (掩藏)her feelings.
  10. The d_____________ (坚定的) look on his face showed that he had enough confidence in himself.
  11. Only e_______(受过教育的) people can have a good understanding of the lecture given by the scientist.
  12. The Japanese invaders _________(袭击) China in 1937.
  13. The man jumped into the river and r_______ (拯救)the child.
  14. The husband and wife always have different _________ (态度) towards their children’s education.
  15. They were t_______ (困,陷)in the burning house.
  16. He i__________ (不顾) the speed limit and drove very fast.
  17. I p________(更喜欢) cats to dogs.
  18. She will be f______________(害怕的) to death when she sees the way you drive.
  19. Kindness is a ____________(品质,质量) which everyone admires.
  20. Although he’s 80, he’s still very a___________.(活跃的;积极的)
  第二节:用M1U1—M1U5所学的短语适当形式填空 (共15小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)
  21. I are very ___________ (喜欢) ice-cream, but you will gain weight if you eat too much.
  22. Once she has _________________(下定决心), nothing can change it. .
  23. Though she was ill th

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