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  • 更新时间: 2013/11/9 23:54:06
  • 资源来源: 会员转发
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  第Ⅰ卷 客观卷(共75分)
  1. Where are the two speakers most probably?
  A. On a bus.             B. At a bus stop.            C. In the man’s office.
  2. What does the woman usually do in her free time?
  A. Go to the gym.         B. Stay at home.            C. Do some shopping.
  3. What is the price of the apartment on the second floor?
  A. 200 yuan.             B. 260 yuan.               C. 300 yuan.
  4. What can we learn about the boy?
  A. He is a little lazy.       B. He is good at cooking.      C. He works in a school.
  5. What does the woman mean?
  A. The man can’t change the shirt.            
  B. The man can change it for a bigger one.             
  C. The man can change it for a smaller one.
  6. What do we know about the waiter?
  A. He is new here.     B. He forgets the man.        C. He can’t speak English.
  7. What does the man speaker want to do?
  A. Leave here quickly. B. Get his food quickly.     C. Teach the waiter English.
  8. How did the man come to Nanjing?
  A. By car.               B. By train.            C. By plane.
  9. What can we learn about the hotel?
  A. It is big.              B. It is not far.          C. It is clean.
  10. What is the relationship between the two speakers?
  A. Business partners.      B. Good friends.        C. Colleagues.
  11. Why can’t the woman speak to Bob?
  A. Because Bob is not at home.              
  B. Because Bob has changed his number.          
  C. Because she dialed the wrong number.
  12. Which number will the woman try again?
  A. 763-4565.            B. 736-4565.            C. 673-4565.
  13. What is man like?
  A. He is rude.            B. He is polite.          C. He is bored.
  14. What is Linda doing?
  A. Reading a book.    B. Watching a movie.       C. Doing her homework.
  15. What does Linda think of The Mill on the Floss?
  A. It’s difficult to understand.  
  B. It’s easy to understand.  
  C. It’s worth reading again.
  16. What can we learn about Linda?
  A. She likes reading very much. 
  B. She doesn’t like short stories.     
  C. She spends little time reading.
  17. Where did April Fools’ Day first start according to some people?
  A. In England.           B. In America.          C. In France.
  18. When did people begin to celebrate New Year at first?
  A. On January 1st.        B. On March 25th.       C. On April 1st.
  19. How do American celebrate April Fools’ Day?
  A. They don’t wear shoelaces.             
  B. They put a paper fish on their backs.            
  C. They play jokes on someone.
  20. What will people call you if they fool you in England?
  A. April Fool.            B. April Noodle.         C. April Fish.
  21. Could you drive me to the supermarket after supper if _________________?
  A. it is convenient of you     B. it is convenient to you
  C. you are convenient   D. you will be convenient
  22. _______ his earnings as a football coach, he also owns and runs a chain of sports shops.
  A. Except           B. Apart from C. Beside     D. In addition
  23. Enough of it! Nobody here thinks what you are saying should make any ___________.
  A. value        B. use    C. sense            D. fun
  24. John Snow found that the polluted water was

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