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  • 更新时间: 2013/10/14 21:42:48
  • 资源来源: 会员转发
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  1. It doesn’t make ____ difference whether he is in ____ favor of or against the plan.
  A. /; / B. /; a C. a; / D. a; a
  2. The __ of her experience as a volunteer in the earthquake-stricken area moved us to tears.
  A. account  B. result C. remark D. announcement
  3. --He looked so scary that the kids were really ____.
  --He often uses that ____ look to frighten them.
  A. frightened; frightening     B. frightening; frightening    
  C. frightening; frightened      D. frightened; frightened
  4. She ____ her mother in appearance. 
  A. resembles B. is resembled C. resembles like    D. resembles as
  5. I had just stepped out of the bathroom and was busily drying myself with a towel ____ I heard the step.
  A. after B. while C. since D. when
  6. I ____ to attend your birthday party the day before yesterday, but my mother fell ill.              
  A. was planning B. have planned C. had planned D. would plan
  7. Everyone says our team will win, but I'm_____ it.
  A. confident of   B. skeptical of    C. sure about D. concerned about
  8. We live a low-carbon life _______ the government’s energy-saving call.                
  A. in reply to B. in relation to   C. in reaction to D. in response to
  9. They demanded that the library ____ open during the vacation.                       
  A. would be kept B. must be kept C. is kept D. be kept
  10. Her time is fully ____ with writing so she spends zero time playing.                  
  A. set up B. put up   C. tap    D. shut up
  11. Mr. Brown is ________ a teacher to us;we look on him as our friend.
  A. less than B.  more than    C. more or less     D. more and more
  12. —Is Jay coming by bus?
  —He should, but he ____ not. He likes cycling along.
  A. must B. may   C. need   D. can
  13. He made a fuss ____ the fact that the door opened ____ the flick of a switch.            
  A. of; at B. of; with C. with; with D. with; at
  14. I don’t know the exact number of the people attending th

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