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  • 更新时间: 2013/11/9 23:29:53
  • 资源来源: 会员转发
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  第Ⅰ卷 客观卷(共85分)
  1. Where is the woman now?
  A. On her way to school.      B. At home in bed.           C. At the school.
  2. How did the couple know where to leave the highway?
  A. They finally recognized the exit number.
  B. A policeman showed them the way.
  C. They knew by asking the exit number.
  3. Where did this conversation most probably take place?
  A. In a taxi.       B. On a bus.      C. On a plane.
  4. What color is the carpet?
  A. Red.       B. Green       C. Yellow.
  5. Where does Tom plan to go on his way home?
  A. The bank.      B. The office.      C. The barber’s shop.
  6. What time is it now?
  A. About 1 o’clock.        B. About 2 o’clock.         C. About 3 o’clock.
  7. When do they have to arrive at the airport?
  A. Before 230      B. Before 330     C. Before 430
  8. Where did the woman leave the tickets?
  A. In the office.      B. In the sitting-room.     C. In the bedroom.
  9. Where are the speakers?
  A. In a classroom.      B. In a theatre.      C. In an office.
  10. Why does the woman plan to leave early?
  A. She is going on vacation.     
  B. She is going to a performance.
  C. She is going to the post office.
  11. What does the man offer to do?
  A. Clean the office.      B. Pick up the woman’s son.    C. Finish the woman’s work.
  12. Where does the man want to go?
  A. He wants to go to the East Lake Hotel.     
  B. He wants to go to the South Lake Hotel.
  C. He wants to go to the West Lake Hotel.
  13. How much does it cost to go to the hotel by taxi?
  A. About 50 dollars.         B. About 15 dollars.        C. About 5 dollars.
  14. How is the man probably going to the hotel?
  A. By taxi.          B. By bus.           C. On foot.
  15. Where is the woman now?
  A. In China.         B. In Paris.         C. In an unknown place.
  16. How did the woman like the weather in autumn here?
  A. She didn’t like it at all.      B. She liked it.      C. She thought it was terrible.
  17. What was the weather limmer here?
  A. It was rainy.          B. It was bad.         C. It was nice.
  18. Which earthquake is the most talt in the United States?
  A. The one in Alabama.     
  B. The one in Alaska.  
  C. The one in San Francisco.
  19. Why do earthquakes worry people so much?
  A. Because they can’t be predicted(预言).     
  B. Because they happen so often.
  C. Because they kill so many people than other disasters(灾难) do.
  20. When is the speaker giving the speech?
  A. While riding in a bus.     
  B. While talking at a conference.
  C. While staying in a classroom.
  21. –What do you think of _____ dress in the shop window?
  –Oh, it’s beautiful. You may give it to Linda as _____ birthday present.
  A. a; a          B. the; a            C. a; the           D. the; the
  22. The old man didn’t feel          though he stayed on the hill            .
  A. alone;lonely B. alone;alone C. lonely;alone D. lonely;lonely
  23. Many people came to the meeting,but    them who left early was 35.
  A. a number of

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