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  山西省太原五中2013—2014年学年度高三第一学期月考(10月)  英语
  I. 单项选择 (20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)
  1. As _____ city with rich culture, Shanghai is ______ home to a number of artists who are determined to establish their own style.
  A. the; the B. a; the C. a; / D. a; a
  2. Passengers _____ fasten their seat belts immediately after taking their seats. The belts should remain bucring the flight whether or not the “fasten seat belt” light is on.
  A. shall B. might C. need D. would
  3. Please mare that no details _____ before you deliver a speech.
  A. would be overlooked B. will overlook
  C. are overlooked D. are overlooking
  4. Riding on the swings and playing with the ducks in the pond _____ our children’s greatest pleasures when we took them to the park.
  A. is B. were C. was   D. are
  5. Usually pilots need about a decade of experience _______ they can be promoted to captain.
  A. after B. before   C. then D. when
  6. ______ from the 19th century novel by Henry James, this film tells of a young woman’s conflicting feelings.
  A. Adapted B. Adjusted C. Adopted D. Admitted
  7. Many scientists believe sea levels ______ by more than one meter by the end of the 21st century.
  A. will be risen B. will have risen C. will have been D. will be rising
  8. It is the farm _____ we are going to pay a visit ______ provides large quantities of green vegetables for the nearby town every year.
  A. to which, that B. which, which C. on which, that D. which, where
  9. It’s important that the future ______ with a goal of caring for the environment.
  A. will build B. would be built C. be built D. was built
  10. When the terrible superstorm struck last October, New York got a taste of ______

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