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  • 资源类别: 人教版 / 高中试卷 / 高考模拟试卷
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  • 资源大小: 80 KB
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  • 更新时间: 2013/5/16 21:01:03
  • 资源来源: 会员转发
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  1.---We’d better leave now or we’ll miss seeing the film star.
  ---_______?I don’t like him.
  A.What for        B.So what       C.How come           D.Why not
  2.It is____relief to hear that Marta got out of_____debt after years of hard work.
  A.a;the           B.a; /           C./ ;the                D./ ; /
  3.I_____in the library.If you want to explain the problem face to face,please come here.
  A.am studying  B.was studying   C.have been studying    D.had been studying
  4.It remains to be seen___there is a link between using a mobile phone and your headaches or not.
  A.that            B.when         C. why                 D.whether
  5.My mother has written dozens of boot I’ve only read_____.
  A.nothing         B.a few         C.none                 D.a lot
  6._____free of charge,your new iphone 5 will be delivered to you the next day.
  A.To send         B.Sending       C.Having sent            D.Sent
  7.I didn’t know the reason____the youth believed the rumor about the end of the world.
  A.why            B.if            C.where                D.as
  8.Immediate measures____to deal with the emergencies once they happen.
  A.will be adopted  B.have been adopted C.will adopt           D.have adopted
  9.The company has a difficult time____good employees because of its poor pay and benefits.
  A.associating      B.arranging      C.attracting              D.avoiding
  10.None of the farmers in the small village can read or write,____speak the official language.
  A.nor can they     B.so can they     C.nor they can           D.so they can
   C.He’s a teacher                    D.He’s got tired of it
  During his college years, Rogers spent a summer in an Idaho logging camp(伐木场). When the manager had to 16 for a few days, he put Rogers 17 .
  “What if the men refuse to follow my 18  ?”Rogers asked. He thought of Tony, a worker who 19 all day, giving the other men a

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