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  命题人 卢庆荣  刘洪艳              2013-4-9
  I 语言知识及应用(共两节,满分45分) :
  第一节 完形填空 (共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)
  It was a freezing November night and the stars shone coldly as I walked through the deserted town of Wick with my heavy overnight bag. It was the third time I'd ____1____ the streets looking for somewhere—anywhere—to stay. But there was no sign of ___2____, even the pubs were shut. I ___3___ to wrap my scarf round my neck. "Five more hours before the next train to Thurso," I thought ____4___, picturing a sleepless night on the streets. Then suddenly I heard a ____5___ behind me:"What's up, laddie? Need some help?"
  It was from an old man called Robert MacDougal who noticed me huddle(卷缩)in the street on his way home. When I ____6___ my situation he ____7___ offered shelter for the night. At first I was___8___. I''d learnt from experience not to trust ___9____, having been robbed once in London. That ___10___ had left its mart it soon became clear that Robert sincerely desired to help. Wick was a small town and ____11___ I wasn't a local. It was also obvious that I needed a place to sleep.
  I ____12____ Robert back to a small cottage where we sat in front of a warm fire and had a little chat about Wick and Robert. Robert was a ___13___. He had three children and several grandchildren, but most of them had moved away. I began to ____14____ why Robert was glad of some company.
  After a peaceful night on an old sofa, I got up at 4:30 a.m. To catch my ____15____, leaving behind a note of thanks. Today I sometimes thint Wick, and wonder if Robert is still there. I'll always remember with gratitude his simple act of kindness.
  1. A.hunted for           B.go through           C.walnd         D.twisted up
  2.                 B.hope                C.tourism   
  3. A.continued            B.attempted            C.paused             D.managed
  4. A.enthusiastically       B.desperately           C.delightedly           D.unbelievably
  5. A.voice               B.remark               C.sound               D.speech
  6. A.introduced           B.explained               D.mentioned
  7. A.unwillingly          B.reluctantly            C.automatically         D.immediately
  8. A.considerate          B.suspicious            C.reasonable           D.curious
  9. A.strangers            B.elders                C.adults               D.robbers
  10. A.accident           B.coincident             C.evidence            D.incident
  11. A.strangely           B.apparently            C.luckily              D.naturally
  12. A.watched           B.attracted              C.followed            D.directed
  13. A.widower           B.father                C.husband            D.survivor
  14. A.understand         B.acknowledge          C.know              D.analyze
  15. A.dream             B.flight                C.bus                D.train
  第二节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
  Why is pinrple a color for girls and blue or brown for boys?
  The answer depends largely    16    cultural values as well as personal experiences. To
  the Egyptians, green was a color    17    represents the hope and joy of spring, while for


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