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  • 资源类别: 人教版 / 高中试卷 / 高一下学期试卷
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  • 资源大小: 174 KB
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  • 更新时间: 2013/3/19 19:15:39
  • 资源来源: 会员转发
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  满分[100] 分 ,时间[120]分钟       2013年3月
  1. — How do you _____ your trip to the Great Wall?
  — Wonderful. In fact, I’d like ______ another trip to it.
  A. like; having       B. think of; to have       C. like; to have       D. think of; having
  2. In ______ North China, ______ rain is very scarce, but in ______ south of China, there is ______ heavy rain now and then.
  A. /; /; the; a    B. /; the; /; /      C. the; a; a; a       D. /; the; the; /
  3. Look at the_____ here and there! Smoking is not allowed in the park.
  A. symbols        B. signals       C. signs         D. marks
  4. It was reported that many teachers were sent there _____ the missing students.
  A. in need of      B. in time of      C. in charge of      D. in search of
  5. Can you believe that in _____ a rich country there should be _____ many people.
  A. such, such      B. such, so       C. so, so        D. so, such
  6. _____ this is the biggest mistake we have made.
  A. In a way       B. In this way         C. In the way        D. On the way
  7. When the question _____ at the meeting, no one could answer it.
  A. rose          B. arose          C. came         D. raised
  8. I shall never forget those years _____ I worked in the factory with the workers, _____ has a great effect on my life.
  A. when, that       B. that, which        C. as, who         D. when, which
  9. It was in the lab _____ was taken charge of by Professor Harris _____ they did the experiment.
  A. which, that         B. that, where        C. whom, that          D. which, where
  10. I was so angry at all _____ he was doing _____ I left at once.
  A. which, that       B. that, which        C. what, that        D. that, that
  11. Don’t scold him any more. _____, he is only a child.
  A. After all        B. In all           C. Of all           D. A

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