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  • 更新时间: 2013/2/21 11:54:24
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  (  ) 1. When did the conversation probably take place?
  A. Before the summer holiday              B、After the summer holiday
  C、 During the summer holiday
  (  ) 2. What does Mary want to buy?
  A. Some tapes on English                       B、Some books on Math
  C、 Some books on physics
  (  ) 3. What can we learn from the conversation?
  A. The man likes his teacher            B、The man sometimes likes his teacher
  C、 The man doesn’t really likes his teacher
  (  ) 4. How is the woman’s English study?
  A. She finds English not easy to learn        B、She does well in English
  C、 She can remember a lot of English
  (  ) 5. What do we learn about the two students in the dialogue?
  A. Both of them were in class on Friday
  B、The man was in class on Friday but the woman wasn’t
  C、Neither the man nor the woman was in class on Friday
  ( )6. What does the woman want to buy?
  A. A car     B、A boat           C、A motor cycle
  ( )7. What does the woman think of the model?
  A. Comfortable    B、Expensive            C、Small
  (  ) 8. Who are the two speakers?
  A. Mike and Tyler     B、. Ron and Tyler      C、Ron and Mike
  (  ) 9. What are the speakers here for?
  A. Doing some math work        B、Meeting an old friend    C、Attending a conference
  (  ) 10. What seems to be Tyler’s major field?
  A. Literature     B、Physics     C、Medicine
  (  ) 11. What is the woman’s main purpose of going to Mew York?
  A. To visit an American family    B、To learn English     C、To go sightseeing
  (  ) 12. When did the woman come back from America?
  A. On July 5th     B、On July 6th      C、On August 25th
  (  ) 13. What in particular did the woman lit the American classes?
  A. The teachers were kind        B、The students were quite free
  C、 Listening, speaking, reading and writing were all taught
  (  )14. Where does the woman live?
  A. In the restaurant       B、Nearby         C、Far from here
  (  ) 15. What’ s the woman’s job?
  A. Waitress                   B、Teacher         C、Headmaster
  (  ) 16. What’s the man’s opinion towards school children?
  A. It’s hard to teach them    B、They like to listen to the teacher 
  C、It’s quite easy to teach them
  ( )17. What was the speaker’s major?
  A. Cooking           B、Computer         C、Science
  ( )18. What was one of the reasons for the failure?
  A. The decoration   B、The location       C、The competition
  (  ) 19. Why were meals in the speaker’s restaurant expensive?
  A. They were organic       B、They were rare    C、They were nutritions
  (  ) 20. How does the speaker feel?
  A. Upset            B、Regretful    C、Anxious
  1.If he_____his teacher' s advice, Asafa Powell would not be the fastest man in the world.
  A. didn't follow                            B. wouldn't have followed
  C. hadn' t followed                        D. hasn' t followed
  2.______ it is to learn English on the internet!
  A. What a fun B. What fun C. How a fun D. How fun
  3.I wasn’t ____ the decision until too late.
  A. informed   B.informed of  C.reminded   D.reminded for
  4.What troubles her is that she can’t buy_____she wants with the money she earns.
  A.whatever         B.whichever       C.however         D.Whenever
  5.I don’t think English is __ a language as Russian.
  A. difficult as   B. as difficult    C. more difficult    D. difficult
  6.We were late,_________the film wasn’t very good.
  A.anyhow       B.actually         C.however        D.Though
  7.The 21stWinter Olympic Games were successfully held in_____city of Vancouver,_____  big city in Canada.
  A.a;a      B.the;a      C.a;the    D.the;the
  8.I must go there earlier. John has suggested that I ________ an hour before the discussion begins.
  A. go       B. shall go      C. will go         D. would go
  9.You shouldn’t take ____ for granted that your parents ca

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