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  • 更新时间: 2013/2/18 19:02:59
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  九年级英语                    2013.01
  1. When did the PE teacher come to this school?
  2. Which person is the girl's uncle?
  3. What are they going to do?
  4. What is Tim's favourite kind of film?
  5. What time does Linda get up on Tuesday?
  A. 6:10 am.            B. 8:00 am.         C. 7:30 am.
  6. Who is Nancy?
  A. Tony's mother.    B. Tony's sister.   C. Tony's teacher.
  7. Why was the boy late for school?
  A. He got up too late.
  B. There was no bus today.
  C. He spent much time repairing his broken watch.
  8. Why is Wang Dong getting so fat?
  A. He ligar and meat very much.
  B. He doesn't often take exercise.
  C. He never goes to work on foot.
  9. What does the woman mean?
  A. She will go on working hard this afternoon.
  B. She will have some rest this afternoon.
  C. She will take an exam this afternoon.
  10. What does Mark mean?
  A. He reads booickly.
  B. Tom's neighbour who lives next door    C. still unknown
  21. - Where's Jack?
  - I think he's still in_______ bed, but he might just be in_______ bathroom.
  A.不填;the      B.不填;不填     C.the;不填     D.the; the
  22. - If you don't like the red coat, take the blue one.
  - Ot do you have_______ size in blue? This one is a bit tight for me.
  A. a big       B. the big       C. a bigger     D. the bigger
  23. Some of my friends eat with their eyes. They    to order what looks nice.
  A. refuse       B. prefer       C. have      D. expect
  24. -Please don't make a noise.
  -_______. I'II be as quiet as a mouse.
  A. Yes, I won't      B. No, I will      C. No, I won't     D. Yes, I will
  25. How_______ can you finish the drawing?
  A. long       B. often       C. fast      D. soon
  26. My dictionary _______. I have looked for it everywhere but still_______ it
  A. has lost; don't find          

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