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  • 更新时间: 2013/2/6 21:26:18
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  第一节 单项填空
  21. Christmas is ______ federal holiday in the United States--- all government employees get ___ day off.
  A. the; the      B. a; /             C. a; the           D. /; the
  22. I haven’t seen Sara since she was a little girl, and she has changed beyond______ .
  A. hearing         B. strength          C. recognition       D. measure
  23. Sandy is determined to lose weight, so she  is _____ getting up at 6 and taking exercise every morning. 
  A. submitted       B. taken to          C. devoted to        D .subscribed to
  24. ------ ____ visited the Shanghai World Expo is sure to tell you the place is worthy ____ twice.
  ------You can say that again.D
  A. Those who have; visiting           B. Whoever has; visiting
  C. Those who have; to be visited         D. Whoever has; to be visited
  25. ------I was trying to carry out the plan, but I failed.
  ------Well, you __ ___, for we were uncertain it would do ____.
  A. needn’t do that, in fact              B. needn’t have done, in effect      
  C. needn’t have, in practice         D. needn’t, in time
  26. He teaches in a middle school, but he likes writing. He is _  a teacher as a write.
  A. not so much  B. more   C. rather   D. not such
  27. -------The doctor was murdered?
  -------It was in the art gallery_________ famous paintings were on display.
  A. Where it was that; that       B. Where it was that; where
  C. Where was it that; where      D. Where was it that; that
  28. ________, the students remain optimistic and try hard to achieve their goals.
  A. As they are faced with fierce pressure         B. As fierce pressure that they are faced with     
  C. Fierce as they are faced with pressure       D. Faced with fierce pressure as they are
  29. I do not say I am against their plan. But the trouble is______ they do don’t agree with what they say.
  A. what that         B. that what      C. which what      D. what which
  30. It is time that you _________ home and I would rather you _________ again tomorrow.
  A. would go; would come           B. went; came 
  C. go; are coming;                 D. are going; will come
  31. Though he tried many ways to solve the problem, _______ worked; he decided to turn to his tutor for help.
  A. none of which      B. all of them     C. none of them      D. all of which
  32. Words ___me when I met my teacher who I hadn’t seen for 30 years.
  A. failed            B. left            C. cheated           D. forgot
  33. Bob would have helped us yesterday, but he_______.
  A. was busy          B. is busy         C. had been busy      D. will be busy
  34. ------Steven has changed so much. In the past he just hung around all day with his friends.
  -------That is quite true. Probably ha has realized that ________.
  A. all is well that ends well.             B. one man’s meat is another’s poison.
  C. better safe than sorry                D. no sweet without sweat.
  35.Buyer: That is too expensive. How about three pounds for a dollar?
  A. The price is too cheap          B. You are too clever
  C. I have got a bargain            D. It is a deal

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