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  • 更新时间: 2013/2/6 21:21:57
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  第一部分 听力  (共两节,满分20分)  
  1. Where does this conversation most probably take place?
  A. In a shop   B. In the street   C. At a Lost and Found bureau
  2. How much did the man pay for the shirt?
  A. $20  B. $18  C. $10
  3. What does the man mean?
  A. There is no need to feed the dog today.
  B. Bill should feed the dog today.
  C. Bill forgot to feed the dog yesterday.
  4. What does the man advise the woman to buy for Bob?
  A. Some books   B. A basketball    C. A pet
  5. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?
  A. Doctor and patient  B. Husband and wife  C. Teacher and student
  6. What did the man ask the woman to do?
  A. To pick up his parents. B. To lend him the car. C. To repair his car.
  7. What will the man do next?
  A. Wait at home   B. Go shopping   C. Meet the woman
  8. What is the possible relationship between the two speakers?
  A. Classmates    B. Colleagues    C. Relatives
  9. What is the man’s suggestion?
  A. Hold a class meeting   B. Talk with the president   C. Set another rule
  10. What is the woman now?
  A. She is a sales woman   B. She is a teacher   C. She is an accountant
  11. What is the man’s son doing now?
  A. He is living in Paris
  B. He is studying in Beijing
  C. He is a college student
  12. Why did the woman quit her last job?
  A. Its salary was low   B. It was hard   C. She wanted more free time
  13. Which train will the man take?
  A. D301     B. D305    C. D313
  14. Why did the man choose the evening train?
  A. It is cheap    B. It saves time     C. It is fast
  15. How much did the man pay in all?
  A. 930 yuan    B. 990 yuan    C. 1,000 yuan
  16. What will the man do next?
  A. Buy a phone    B. Go to the phone booth    C. Go to the toilet
  17. Where do the teachers in the English Summer Camps come from?
  A. Canada    B. America     C. Italy
  18. What will the children do during the trip to Canada?
  A. Visit the museums 
  B. Do some voluntary work
  C. Live in the green jungle
  19. How long does the trip to Canada?
  A. 7 days   B. 10 days   C. 14 days
  20. What’s the aim of the English Summer Camps?
  A. To let children have the desire to learn.
  B. To help children avoid mistakes.
  C. To make children speak English perfectly.
  第二部分: 英语知识运用(共两节, 满分35 分)
  第一节: 单项填空 (共15小题; 每小题1分,满分15分)
  请认真阅读下面各题,从题中所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
  例: It is generally considered unwise to give a child _______ he or she wants.
  A. however    B. whatever    C. whichever    D. whenever 答案是B。
  21.We haven’t moved into the new office building –it        right now.
  A. is decorating         B. has been decorating
  C. is being decorated      D. has been decorated
  22.            Chinese culture with overseas cultures is a challenging job,but you  will learn a lot from it.
  A. Compare    B. Compared    C. Comparing   D. Having compared
  23. Locking himself out of the house, he felt worried and thought he _______ his bag to mare the keys were in it before leaving the office.
  A. might have checked        B. might check
  C. must have checked         D. should have checked

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