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  • 资源类别: 译林牛津版 / 高中试卷 / 高考模拟试卷
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  • 资源大小: 29 KB
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  • 更新时间: 2013/2/6 21:04:10
  • 资源来源: 会员转发
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  第一卷  (四部分  共75分)
  第一部分  听力(共两节,满分20分)
  第一节  (共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)
  1. Why does the man make the call ?
  A. To say hello to the doctor.
  B. To buy the doctor some books.
  C. To make an appointment for tomorrow.
  2. What does the man mean ?
  A. It’s time to start the game now.
  B. It’s hard to say who is going to win.      
  C. The game has been going on for a long time.
  3. What’s the probably relationship between the speakers?
  A. Boss and secretary        B. Teacher and students    C. Husband and wife
  4. How did the woman come back ?
  A. By car             B. By bus            C. By train
  5. Where does the conversation take place ?
  A. At a restaurant           B. In a hospital           C. In a supermarket.
  第二节  (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
  6. What are the speakers talking about ?
  A. Healthy eating   B. Cooking methods   C. Living conditions
  7. What does the woman advise the man to do ?
  A. Eat chicken without vegetables.
  B. Avoid eating chicken too much.
  C. Cook chicken in a healthy way.
  8. How long does it take to mail a package to Shanghai by ordinary mail ?
  A. Four nights       B. A week     C. Two weeks
  9. How much does the man pay to mail his tapes ?
  A. 10 yuan        B.15 yuan   C. 25 yuan
  10. What do we know about the woman?
  A. She has got a new position.
  B. She wants to be a manager.
  C. She is satisfied with her job.
  11. How long has the woman been with the company ?
  A. 2 years         B. 3 years      C. 5 years
  12. What clothes does the woman wear ?
  A. Jeans and a sweater    
  B. Jeans and a white shirt   
  C. A darit and a white shirt.
  13. What are the speakers talking about ?
  A. The benefits of travelling.  
  B. Plans for the summer vacation.   
  C. Part-time jobs in the summer.
  14. Why is the man unable to go travelling abroad ?
  A. It costs too much           B. It is too tiring.          C. It takes a lot of time
  15. What doesn’t the woman think the man can do though TV ?
  A. Enjoy different cultures       B. Make many friends   C. Take a photo
  16. When will the woman start her journey ?
  A. On June 13 th                 B. On June 20 th           C. On June 30th
  17. What make the speaker start playing golf ?
  A. His colleagues’ inspiration and advice.
  B. An experience with a friend recently.
  C. The golf clubs’ invitation and recommendation.
  18. How far can the speaker drive the ball ?
  A. About 225 yards  B. About 235 yards  C. About 275 yards
  19. When can the speat the ball into the hole if all goes well ?
  A. On the fifth or sixth shot
  B. On the fourth or fifth shot
  C. On the third or fourth shot.
  20. What can we learn from the talk ?
  A. The speaker plays golf three times a week.
  B. The speasually plays golf in the late afternoon.
  C. The speaker isn’t satisfied with his game so far.
  21.  Paper money was in ____use in China when Marco Polo visited the country in ____ thirteenth century.  
  A. the; /        B. the; the        C. /; the     D. /; /
  22.  Pet dogs love performing tricks for their masters to avoid ________.
  A. being punished                B. punishing
  C. to be punished                 D. to being punished
  23.  The flu is believed _______ by viruses that like to reproduce in the cells inside the human nose and throat.
  A. causing                      B. being caused
  C. to be caused                  D. having caused
  24.  It is reported that the United States uses ________ energy as the whole of Europe.
  A. as twice                      B. twice much
  C. twice much as                 D. twice as much

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