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  • 更新时间: 2012/10/16 22:30:32
  • 资源来源: 会员转发
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  21. Shall we take ___ short break? I want to make _____ call.
  A. the; a B. a; the C.the; the  D. a; a
  22. The boy was so careless that the glass fell from his hand and it _____ on the floor.
  A. broke in B. broke down  C. brop D. brot
  23. — Will $100 ____ ?
  — I’m afraid not. We need at least another 20 dollars.
  A. count  B. satisfy  C. fit D. do
  24. This urban special school always accepts hearing-imparied students, ____ their educational level and bacnd.
  A. according to B. regardless of C. in addition to D. in terms of
  25. ____ a thorough medical examination, she was glad to know she was as fit as a fiddle.
  A. Having been given B. Having given C. Giving D. Being given
  26. — I really had a wonderful time at the party last night.
  — ________.
  A. Oh, that’s very nice of you  B. Congratulations
  C. It’s a pleasure    D. Oh, I’m glad to hear that
  27. I’d like to find a job, ___ where I can do something serious but interesting.
  A. the one B. one C. which  D. that
  28. — Can I pay the bill by check?
  — Sorry, sir. But it is the management rule of our hotel that payment _____ be paid in cash.
  A. will B. can  C. should  D. shall
  29. How long do you suppose it is ___ he got the news?
  A. before  B. when  C. since  D. after
  30. ______ at home reading all day, the boy felt very lonely and wished to go out to play with his friends.
  A. Leave  B. Leaving C. Left  D. To leave
  31. I would have gone to visit him in the hospital, but I ______ fully occupied last week.
  A. was B. were C. had been D. have been
  32. The spokesman said that Japan should, ____ ignore its aggressive past, reflect on its own history and its current policies.
  A. more than B. other than C. better than  D. rather than
  33. Is this the reason ____ he gave us for the delay of the project?

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