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  • 更新时间: 2012/10/16 15:58:42
  • 资源来源: 会员转发
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  21. — We’ve got a lot of fresh fruit and vegetables. Could I get you some apples?
  — Than. _________.
  A. I don’t think so B. No problem C. Not at all D. It’s very kind of you
  22. _____ an umbrella before going out in case it rains. Better safe than sorry.
  A. Taking  B. To take C. Take D. Having taken
  23. Miss Liu can show you around ____ Mount Yuntai, because she has _____ good knowledge of it.
  A. the; a B. a; the C. /; a  D. it
  24. With less traffic and fewer factories, the air of the suburbs is much cleaner than ___ of the city.
  A. those B. that C. one D. it
  25. — Did the doorkeeper let you in?
  —No, _____ I told him who I was.
  A. if  B. once C. as though D. even though
  26. When last _____ valuable, those books enjoyed great success.
  A. finding  B. found  C. being found  D. to be found
  27. The accident happening in the coal mine in Heilongjiang ____ more than one hundred deaths.
  A. resulted from B. resulted in C. took for D. took in
  28. — Have you heard the news that the Oprah Winfrey Show will end in 2011?
  — Yes, actually I got it on TV last night. I _____ TV for almost one week.
  A. haven’t watched B. didn’t watch  C. hadn’t watched D. don’t watch
  29. — Can I as a few straightforward questions about yourself?
  — No problem. I like ____ when people are open and direct.
  A. that B. this C. it  D. them
  30. Words _____ me when I wanted to express my thanks to him for having saved my kid from the burning house.
  A. left B. discouraged  C. failed  D. disappointed
  31. Australia is one of the few countries _____ people drive on the left.
  A. when B. where  C. that D. which
  32. — This is the first time the children have been to the Great Wall.
  — No _____ they are so excited.
  A. doubt B. wonder C. hurry  D. trouble
  33. Everything was placed exactly ___ he wanted it for the graduation ceremony.
  A. while B. when C. where  D. though

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