
  • 手机网页: 浏览手机版
  • 资源类别: 通用 / 高中试卷 / 高二上学期试卷
  • 文件类型: doc
  • 资源大小: 156 KB
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  • 更新时间: 2012/10/12 15:05:41
  • 资源来源: 会员转发
  • 下载情况: 本月:获取中 总计:获取中
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  第一部分: 单项填空(共25小题;每小题1分,满分25分)
  1. Anyone who drives like that _______ to lose their license.
  A. accepts    B. deserves      C. desires  D. requires
  2. ____ is no doubt that using energy efficiently reduces the release of greenhouse gases.
  A. It            B. This      C. That         D. There
  3. Those who do everything _________ money won’t lead a happy life.
  A. in terms of                   B. in place of   
  C. in front of                   D. in case of
  4. _____, it is only two persons who _____ the driving test.
  A. So far; passed                 B. So far; have passed
  C. So far; has passed                D. By far; has passed 
  5. Jeff and Mike come from ________ different bacnds. That’s why they can’t get along well with each other.
  A. accurately     B. gradually      C. entirely   D. commonly
  6. Monica couldn’t get the car ______, for it was too cold, so she had to take the subway instead.
  A. moved  B. to move      C. moving  D. move
  7. Don’t walk away when you are lost in the mountain because searchers often ________ finding a car with no one in it.
  A. come up  B. draw up       C. run up  D. end up
  8. I don’t know _________ to deal with the problem with the washing machine.
  A. which       B. what        C. how  D. where
  9. Last month, he earned as much as, if ________ than$40, 000.
  A. no more              B. not more
  C. no much              D. not much
  10. He is now having problems_________the final exam. If he can’t, he cannot graduate.
  A. passing  B. to pass      C. pass  D. passed
  11. Statistics show a 20% reduction in sales __________ with last year.
  A. compare               B. comparing
  C. compared               D. having compared
  12. — Do you think Amy is brilliant?

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