《Star signs》单元测试题

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  • 更新时间: 2012/10/9 19:59:09
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  9A Unit 1 Star signs单元测试题
  Class ___________  Name __________  Marks ____________
  一、 根据句意或汉语提示写出正确的单词 (10分)
  1. She likes ________(争论) with everybody about everything.
  2. Wait a minute, please. My brother is doing an ___________(实验)at present.
  3. Simon is very _________(谦虚的)even though he is the top student in our class.
  4. You are __________(随和的) and always have many friends.
  5. The man is _________(幽默的). Children like him because he likes telling funny jokes.
  6. My cousin is e__________ enough to play football without rest for two hoo urs.
  7. I think she is the most s_________ person to be the leader. I’m sure she is excellent.
  8. Thanks for r___________ me as the head of the drawing club. I’ll try my best to dit.
  9. Every time Jim made mistakes, he e__________ a lot to find excuses for himself.
  10. You may go to the concert. Tickets are a_________ for everyone. Go and buy one.
  二、 用所给词的适当形式填空,每题1分。(15分)
  1. Do you have problems _________(keep) healthy?
  2. Suzy was still _________(wake) at 12 o’clock last night.
  3. You will have _________(succeed) at school or work.
  4.I think he has many attractive _________(person) qualities.
  5. Great changes __________(take) place in China since 1978.
  6. Our English teacher went out without _________(say) a word.
  7. You will _________(give) ten minutes to prepare for the speech.
  8. All the students stopped _________ (sit) quietly when the teacher came in.
  9. The heavy snowstorm made the mountain climber ________(stop) halfway.
  10. The only ________ (different) is that David has much more hair than my uncle.
  11. We went to Hainan Island on May Day and had great fun ________(surf) in the sea.
  12. You work so hard at your lessons, so don’t worry about ___________(not pass) the exam.
  13. Jim is one of __________(power) students in the class and he wants to be an ________. (art)
  14. Please try your best to do it ________(different) and you are________(imagine).
  15. He hopes he can use the computer to help himself get more ________(organize) and then he will not worry about his ________(able) to do all the extra work.
  (    ) 1. The newspaper ______ the temperature will drop a lot next week.

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