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  • 更新时间: 2011/10/16 19:38:24
  • 资源来源: 会员转发
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  时间:100分钟                          总分:100分  
  注意:客观题部分的答案填图在答题卡上, 任务型阅读答案写在答题卷上。
  1. After the earthquake, the first thing the local government did was to provide ____ for the homeless families.
  A. accommodation     B. occupation      C. equipment     D. furniture
  2. --- What _______ his happiness all his life?
  ---- ________ what he has got.
  A. has led to; Being content with          B. has led to; Being contented to
  C. led to; Content to                    D. led him to ; To content with
  3. He was wearing his dark glasses to _______ his eyes from the strong sunlight.
  A. defend           B. protect        C. prevent        D. stop
  4. I support your decision, but I should also make it clear ________I am not going to be ________ to it.
  A. that; associated   B. what; fastened   C. what; bound    D. that; stuck
  5. For a moment nothing happened. Then _________ all shouting together.
  A. voices had come                          B. came voices 
  C. voices would come                        D. did voices come
  6. Last night he saw two dark _________ enter the building, and then there was the explosion.
  A. features        B. sketches        C. figures           D. images
  7. He never allowed his children to go ________ anything necessary for their education.
  A. short of       B. for short        C. in short          D. short for
  8. He who ___________ to succeed without hard work ________ to be disappointed.
  A. hope, are bound                    B. hopes, is bound
  C. hope, are due                      D. hopes, is due
  9. On a ________ winter evening, the poor family were shocked ________ at the bad news.
  A. frozen; frozen                    B. freezing; freezing
  C. frozen; freezing                   D. freezing; frozen
  10. Everything ___, the house is pretty good and it is totally________ the price.
  A. considered; worth                 B. considering; worthy
  C. to consider; worthwhile            D. taken consideration; worthwhile
  In New Zealand, some farmers have           keeping deer, and there are now about 4,500 deer farms in the country.
  turned to         B. adapted to        C. used to         D. adjusted to
  Jenny was very sad over the loss of the photos she had shot at Canada,  _________ this was a memory she especially treasured.
  A. as                    B. if                    C. when             D. where
  Young as she is, she can           between right and wrong.
  realize          B. organize           C. distinguish     D. see
  I’ll look into the matter as soon as possible. Just a little          .

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