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  市二中10--11学年第一学期期中考试  初三英语(学科)试卷(10.11)                 此卷不交,请妥善保管                                
  A. 听下列对话选择正确的答案,读两遍14
  (    )1. What time does the train arrive?
  A. At 10: 15.         B. At 10: 00.     C. At 8:45.  D. At 9:00
  (    )2. What did Maria think of the concert?
  A. It's exciting.      B. It's wonderful.    C. It's boring.  D. He doesn’t know
  (    )3. What wiil the weather be like tomorrow?
  A.rainy     B.cold     C.windy  C.cloudy
  (    )4. How much did the man’s wife pay for her coat?
  A. $240         B. $120      C. $360  D.$180
  (    )5. where was Mary just now?
  A  in the library     B. to the library   C.in the restaurant  D.in the classroom
  (    )6. Which ruler will the boy buy?
  A. the one for 3 yuan   B.the one for 2 yuan  C.the one for 1 yuan D.the best one
  (    )7. Why does the woman prefer the green one?
  A. Because she is feeling sad.  B.Because she  wants to be energetic .
  C. Because she wants to be successful.  D. Because it represents joy
  (    )8. What’s David’s hobby?
  A. sports          B. music          C.none  D. films
  (    )9. How many books can Angela borrow at most today?
  A. two        B. three            C. four    D. one
  (   )10. What colour does Tom like better?
  A. White.          B. Red.            C. Blue.           D. Yellow.
  (   )11. What does Jerry want Betty to do?
  A. Tell her parents about the exam.       B. Don't tell her parents.
  C. Betty can decide by herself.          D. Jenny doesn't give any advice.
  (   )12. What is Sam going to be?
  A. A doctor.       B. A teacher.      C. A policeman.    D. An editor.
  (   )13. What does Millie think of Mike?
  A. Confident and active. B. Modest and helpful.
  C. Helpful and generous. D. Hard-working and modest.
  (   )14. What colour doesn’t the rainbow have ?
  A. Green.        B. Brown.          C. Red.          D. Orange.
  B ) 根据所听短文,选择正确答案。   ( 10分)  ( 听两遍 )
  (    )15. Students at Sunshine Secondary School often ______to their teachers.
  A. send text messages   B. send e-mails  C.  chat on the phone  
  (    )16. They talt some problems by e-mail because they_________.
  A.are not shy to talt them face-to –face with their teachers.
  B.don’t want to talt them face-to- face with their teachers.
  C.Dn’t want to discuss them with their parents.

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