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  • 资源类别: 人教版 / 高中试卷 / 高二上学期试卷
  • 文件类型: doc
  • 资源大小: 99 KB
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  • 更新时间: 2011/10/7 16:56:10
  • 资源来源: 会员转发
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  1. What is the woman looking for?
  A. A bank               B. A museum          C. A supermarket
  2. At what time will the doctor’s office close?
  A. At 6:00                B. At 5:10            C. At 5:00
  3. What is the woman’s feeling towards her work?
  A. She is disappointed         B. She is excited        
  C. She is satisfied
  4. What does the woman mean?
  A. She is willing to lend him her bicycle            B. She refuses to lend him her bicycle                   C. She doesn’t have a bicycle
  5. How much is the red dictionary?
  A. 20 yuan            B. 22 yuan              C. 11 yuan
  6. What does the lady also have?
  A. A picture             B. A film           C. A camera
  7. What did the man ask the lady to do?
  A. To drink together           B. To take their picture        
  C. To say “cheese”
  8. Who is the lady?
  A. A reporter             B. A teacher     C. A tourist
  9. Why did Linda telephone the policeman Jeff?
  A. Because her brother had got his head hurt     
  B. Because her parents couldn’t wap      
  C. Because her brother was not breaking
  10. Where does Linda Smith live?
  A. At 245 Main Street       B. At 254 Pine Street   C. At 254 Main Street
  11. What did the policeman Jeff advise Linda to do?
  A. To move his brother’s neck      B. To help his brother to stand up      
  C. To let his brother stay where he was
  12. What is Mr.Carson doing when Mr.Prince calls him?
  A. He is having a meeting right now       B. He is having his lunch now    
  C. He is having a talk with his customer
  13. What’s the number of Mr.Prince’s telephone?
  A. 0852-86261427 extension 4036        B. 0852-68261427 extension 4063
  C. 0852-68261427 extension 4036
  14. When can Mr.Carson ring Mr. Prince according to the woman?

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