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  英 语 试 题
  第二部分  英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)
  21.The amazing caves of oudian are           extremely precious part of our cultural heritage and it is of       vital importance that we do something to protect them.
  A.a;/ B.the; an C.an;/ D.an; a
  22.Other things being equal, a man who expresses himself effectively is sure to succeed more rapidly than a man whose        of English is poor.
  A.writing B.program C.command D.impression
  23.The government of Dalian has carried out a new policy,          each common family can buy only two apartments.
  A.which B.that C.where D.when
  24.Every minute, when made full use of       , does good to us students.
  A.studying B.to study C.study D.being studied
  25.I was surprised that I lost my heart to her      I saw her.
  A.for the first time B.when the first timeC.on the first timeD.the first time
  26.Don’t respond to any e-mails        personal information, no mater how official they look.
  A.demanding B.requiring C.requesting D.questioning
  27.—All of your friends were so happy at the party!
  —Yes. Believe it or not, we        each other for 10 years.
  A.haven’t seen B.hadn’t seen C.won’t see D.wouldn’t see
  28.How long do you suppose        the construction company finishes the project thoroughly?
  A.it will be before B.will  it be until C.will it be when D.it will be that
  29.My wife and I        you        what you have achieved in America.
  A.celebrate; on B.congratulate; on C.congratulate; for D.celebrate; for
  30.—What’s wrong with you?
  —My chest      when I take a deep breath, doctor.
  A.hurts B.hams C.injures D.wounds
  31.We must       to the public the simple fact that drugs are dangerous.
  A.get through B.get down C.get back D.get across
  32.Li Yang gives us advice on spoken English that we        as much as we can.
  A.should speak B.shall speak C.would speak D.will speak
  33.I haven’t read        of his boot judging from the one I’ve read, I think hw will make a very promising writer.
  A.any B.none C.both D.either
  34.To write a good essay you must first        your ideas logically.
  A.prepare B.manage C.put D.organize
  35.Admiral(海军上将)Hu Yanlin said that security demands required China to have its own aircraft carrier, and          any country had the right to build one.
  A.which B.that C.what D.whether

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