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  • 更新时间: 2011/7/13 21:09:39
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  Ⅰ. 听说(共两节,满分10分)
  角色: 你是一名电台主持人
  生词:Senegal 塞内加尔共和国; backslap 拍背
  (1) 在巴西,男女见面时的礼节是否相同?
  In Brazil, do men greet each other in the same way as women?
  (2) 在日本,人们是如何鞠躬问好的?
  In Japan, how do people bow to greet each other?
  (3) 在塞内加尔,人们见面时如何称呼彼此?
  In Senegal, how do people address(称呼) each other when they meet?
  1. _____ and backslapping.
  2. A deep ______
  3. By just ______ the head
  4. For a ____ time
  5. No, they ________.
  Once when I was young, my father and I were waiting in a ____6____ to buy tickets for the circus. In front of us, there stood a big ___7___, which seemed not to have much ___8___. The parents were ___9___ of being able to take their children to the circus for the ___10___ time. The father demanded tickets for the whole family, but was embarrassed(尴尬的) when he found he didn’t have enough money. Seeing this, my father ___11___ to help. He deliberately(故意) ___12___ a $20 bill to the ground and then picp to the man, saying the bill fell out of the man’s __13___. Knowing what was going ___14___, the man was moved to tears. My father’s timely help obviously meant a lot to the man and his family. My father and I returned home ___15___ seeing the circus that night, but we both felt happy for helping such a family.
  Ⅱ. 语言知识及应用(共两节。满分25分)
  第一节  完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
  Nine 1700­year­old brick tombs have been discovered in northwest China’s Xinjiang. Experts say that they can   1   valuable clues for the research of exchanges(交换;交流) between the central Chinese government at that time and    ___2   Western Regions.
  It is the    3   time ancient tombs with typical characteristics of China's main Han nationality have been found in the Uygur ethnic region(自治区).
  4    from Beijing,Shanxi and Xinjiang concluded that the tombs were  ___5___ between the middle and late third century and fourth century.

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