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  • 更新时间: 2011/5/25 21:10:33
  • 资源来源: 会员转发
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  1. Where may the terrible smell come from?
  A. The kitchen.   B. The bedroom.   C. The living room.
  2. When will the plane take off?
  A. At 13:30.    B. At 12:45.    C. At 13:15.
  3. What is the woman’s hobby?
  A. Playing chess.   B. Collecting stamps.  C. Challenging others.
  4. How late will the woman be?
  A. Half an hour.   B. Twenty minutes.   C. Ten minutes.
  5. Why does the man look strange?
  A. The color of his suit is too dark.
  B. His trousers are too short.
  C. His jacket and trousers do not match.
  6. Why do the two speakers argue?
  A. The man forgot to bring the book.
  B. They missed the show.
  C. They are worried about the coming test.
  7. What does the man promise to do in the end?
  A. Drive the woman home.
  B. Invite the woman to dinner.
  C. Buy the woman something.
  8. What did the man do last night?
  A. He watched a basketball game.
  B. He watched a film.
  C. He did his work.
  9. What does the woman think of the film?
  A. Boring.    B. Moving.   C. Funny.
  10. How did the man get to school?
  A. By bus.    B. By bike.   C. On foot.
  11. What season is it most probably?
  A. Spring.    B. Autumn.   C. Winter.
  12. When did the man arrive?
  A. At 8:50.    B. At 9:00.   C. At 11:50.
  13. What did Fred do last night?
  A. He went to the police station.
  B. He drove into a store.
  C. He went shopping with his girlfriend.
  14. Who did Fred have a fight with?
  A. The storekeeper.   B. The policeman.  C. His girlfriend.
  15. Where is Fred’s car now?
  A. In the store.    B. In the garage.  C. In the police station.
  16. Where is Fred now?
  A. In a hospital.   B. In the police station. C. In the store.
  17. Which beach is the busiest one in July?
  A. Icaria Beach.   B. Barceloneta beach. C. Mar Bella Beach.
  18. How far is Barceloneta beach from the city center?
  A. 15 minutes’walk.  B. 10 stops by subway. C. One kilometer.
  19. What is not available at the Hotel Oasis?
  A. High-speed Internet.  B. Direct-dial phones. C. Air-conditioners.
  20. What can we learn from the conversation?
  A. The man went to Barcelona for his last holiday.
  B. Santa Marta Hotel is a 5-star hotel.
  C. The Picasso Museum is not far from the Hotel Arts Barceloneta.
  21. People are living in ___ world where mouse clicle our life, so online searches have become _____ must.
  A. the; /        B. /; a        C. a; a        D. a; the
  22. —You look tired.
  —Yes. I ___ non-stop until 8 o’clock this morning.
  A. had worked         B. work      C. have worked       D. was working
  23. Than for the great effort you _____ to find us the right person for the job.
  A. had        B. got       C. took              D. made
  24. She didn’t allow the accident to discourage her. On the contrary, she began to work         .
  A. as twice hard  B. twice as hard
  C. twice as harder  D. harder twice
  25. I was told that the water of the Ganjiang River is much cleaner than ____ of the Xiangjiang River.
  A. those B. one C. that D. ones
  26. Either the driver killed in the car or the lucky passenger questioned by the police ______ them very puzzled how this accident has happened.
  A. make            B. makes               C. was making       D. were making
  27. All over the world the mobile phone has become _____ people would now call a necessity.
  A. which            B. that                C. what              D. when
  28. With the decision ______, the members present at the meeting were dismissed(解散). 
  A. to make           B. to be made          C. made            D. having made
  29. The plan         just because people were unwilling to cooperate.    
  A. broke down B. pulled down C. turned down D. put down
  30. Mistakes don’t just happen; they occur for a reason. Find out the reason, and then making the mistake becomes_______.
  A. favourable          B. precious          C. fundamental

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