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  • 更新时间: 2011/5/9 20:00:50
  • 资源来源: 会员转发
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  命题人:  蔡美芬    俞士相   俞玲
  第Ⅰ卷(选择题 共80分)
  第一部分:英语知识运用 (共两节,满分30分)
  1. — So is there anything new with you?
  — Not much, ______I have decided to join a new fly fisherman club.
  A. but           B. so            C. because       D. and
  2. Nicknames are interesting. If ______ man were unusually strong, he might adopt _____name such as Armstrong.
  A. a ;  the       B. a ;  a          C.  a ; 不填         D. the ; a
  3. So convinced _______ of her artistic talents that she decided to become a professional artist.
  A. Jane was       B. was Jane        C. Jane has           D. has Jane
  4. The house has many interesting _______. The one I like best is a large Victorian fireplace.
  A. aspects        B. appearances    C. features           D. preferences
  5. The old lady got up just before sunrise, as she often does, _____along the beach and get some fresh air.
  A. walked         B. to walk         C. walking           D. having walked
  6. Unlike the earth, Mars is too cold and Venus is far too hot _______ there to be any life.
  A. so              B. nor            C. and               D. for
  7. A housing bubble is an economic situation ______ occurs when house prices rise much too fast.
  A. which           B. where         C. what             D. why
  8. — I hear Caroline has gone to New Zealand for her holiday.
  — Oh, how nice! Do you know when she ______?
  A. was leaving      B. had left        C. has left          D. left
  9. There is nothing wrong with turning on the TV_______ watching it doesn’t from doing something important.
  A. if               B. unless         C. because          D. though
  10. The car began to ______ the moment the vehicle got into the highway.
  A. tap            B. give up           C. map              D. pick up
  11.The concept of "Customer First" should be _______ rooted in the mind of every shop-assistant.
  A. tightly           B. roughly       C. widely            D. firmly

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