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  英   语  2011.3   
  I. 单项填空(共25题;每小题1分,满分25分)
  1. - Do you mind my opening the window?
  - _________ I feel a bit cold.
  A. Of course not.   B. I'd rather you didn’t.   C. Go ahead.  D. Why not?
  2. The problem of global warming is serious.______, the sea levels have risen a little.
  A. As a result   B. On the contrary    C. In a word   D. In other words
  3. -Do you know where David is? I couldn’t find him anywhere.
  -Well. He ________have gone far-----his coat’s still here.
  A. shouldn’t         B. mustn’t             C. can’t             D. wouldn’t
  4. -I’ll tell Mary about her new job tomorrow.
  -You_____ her last week.
   A. ought to tell     B. would have told        C. must tell      D. should have told
  5. -Do you know Tom, _____ father is an engineer?
  -Yes, quite well. He _____ always be the first to offer me help when I meet with problems.
  A. the; would        B. which; used to        C. that; used to      D. whose; would
  6. I’m really tired_______ Jim. I won’t have him always __________ a trick on others.
  A. of, made       B. of; playing        C. with; play     D. with; playing
  7. Because she was known for keeping her ______, no one was surprised when ______ came that she had won the election.
  A. promise, words    B. promise; the word   C. word, a word   D. word, word
  8. The government tried its best to _____ the people’s needs, but the people were still not _________. In fact, what the government did was not___________.
  A. satisfy; satisfied; satisfactory      B. satisfy; satisfying; satisfied
  C. satisfied; satisfied; satisfactory    D. satisfying; satisfied; satisfied
  9. The manager meant _____ the workers that being 5 minutes late meant _____ the company.
  A. to tell, to leave    B. telling, leaving    C. to tell, leaving    D. telling, to leave
  10. I don’t clearly remember who _____ the question whether it is good for children _______ by their grandparents but I clearly remember it ______ a heated discussion.
  A. brought up; to be brought up; brought about    B. raised; to be raised; brought out
  C. brought in; to be brought up; brought about     D. brought up; to be raised; brought up
  11. In ______  of the soldiers who fought for our country and sacrificed, the students  visited the cemetery(烈士陵园), and ______ their breath while mourning.(哀悼)
  A. honor; lost    B. memory; held    C. memory; took     D. honor; lose
  12. The tomato juice left brown ________ on the front of my jacket.   
  A. spots          B. points          C. tracks         D. traces
  13. The earthquake in Japan ______ the tsunami, three days after which, a baby was magically found alive while her village ______ in ruins.
  A. lead to; laid    B. led to; lay    C. accounted for; lain     D. accounted for; lied
  14. -You should have apologized to them for not __________ at the party.
  - I ______ but they didn’t forgive me anyway.
  A. coming up; did    B. turning up; did   C. showing up; should   D. appearing; should
  15. Safety ___________, the Chinese in Libya could go to the embassy to_____ help.   A. permitted; seek    B. permits; find     C. permitting; seek      D. permitted; search
  16. I found a photo _________ when I was looking for my pen.
  A. by an accident     B. by accident     C. by a chance    D. by the chance

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