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  • 更新时间: 2010/11/26 16:05:57
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共91题,约5660字。  金华一中2010学年第一学期期中考试
  命题:虞锦武  校对:楼海玲
  注意:1. 本试卷满分为150 分;
  2. 本场考试时间为120分钟;
  3. 机读卡上准考证号填写格式为:10001****,后四位的前两位为你的试场号,后两位为你在该试场的座位号。例如,你是第6试场,座位号是5号,那么,你的准考证号码为100010605
  1. How much is a pair of the sunglasses this month?
  A. 30 yuan                    B. 35 yuan        C. 40 yuan
  2. What does the woman reporter think her basic tasld be?
  A. Reporting any event truthfully.
  B. Collecting as muportant information as possible.
  C. Reporting most of the events truthfully.
  3. What do we learn from the dialogue?
  A. The man never reads China Daily.
  B. The woman often reads China Daily.
  C. The woman reads People’s Daily.
  4. Why did woman choose to work at TV station?
  A. Because working at a TV station can earn her a good salary.
  B. Because in her opinion working at a TV station is muore interesting.
  C. Because her parents asked her to.
  5. What is said about the lady in the man’s office?
  A. She is very noisy.      B. She always tries to give.
  C. She is always ready to help others.
  6. When was Flight 619 scheduled to arrive?
  A. At 9:35      B. At 19:35      C. At 10:35
  7. Why was the flight delayed?
  A. It had to make a stop in Japan. B. The plane had engine trouble.
  C. The weather in Japan was bad.
  8. Why was the man’s wife in Canada?
  A. There was something wrong with the plane.     
  B. The dialogue does not tell us.
  C. She went home for a visit.
  9. What does the man think of the car at first?
  A. It’s too cold.         B. It’s too small.       C. It’s too expensive.
  10. What does the man have to do before he has the car?
  A. Sign that pape
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