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共81题,约5790字。  金华一中2010学年第一学期期中考试
  高三  英语
  第一部分 英语知识运用
  1. Mr. and Mrs. White are determined to give their children ____ first-rate education, though they are both out of ____ work now.
  A.a, the               B.the, the       C.a, /          D.the, /
  2. These seats are __________ for the elderly and disabled.
  A. observed             B. deserved       C. preserved     D. reserved
  3. In order to prevent the disease ___________ to other districts, the authorized organiilled thousands and thousands of cows.
  A. extending          B. spreading        C. expanding     D. stretching
  4. The home improvements have taken what little there is ______ my spare time.
  A. from             B. in                C. of              D. at
  5. –I didn’t invite him to the party but he e anyway and got pletely drunk.
  --__________he hadn’t e! The party could have been a success.
  A. How e        B. Only if            C. What if          D. If only
  6. –I hear that you will be on travel again.
  --Yeah. My boss _______ for me to discuss business details with someone from another pany.
  A. asked            B. arranged           C. sent             D. called
  7. Nowadays, many people walk to work______ Copenhagen Conference calling for living a low—carbon lifestyle to cope with global warming.
  A. in relation to     B. in response to       C. in addition to     D. in opposition to
  8. – Mary, I have got a new cellphone number!
  -- Oh, hold on. I’ll put it down just _________.
  A. in need           B. in case             C. in time          D. in use
  9. The 40-somethings found themselves in an embarrassing situation _____ rapid changes in all aspects of society.
  A. as a consequence of  B. in favor of  C. for the purpose of D. by means of
  10. –Have you finished your first paper?
  --_________. Just half of it. How about you?
  A. Not at all          B. Not likely          C. Not a bit        D. Not yet.
  11. –Let’s go Dutch for this supper, OK?
  --No, _______ this time, as a re
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