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  • 更新时间: 2010/11/25 19:49:55
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  英 语 试 题
  1.The spectacular mountain,standing 2,000 meters above        sea level, is       home to a fascinating diversity of wildlife.
  A.the;the     B.the;a     C./;the D./; /
  2.Although he gets good      by renting houses,I strongly disapprove that he should continue hanging around without an occupation.
  A.wages     B.fees C.salaries D.ines
  3.The missionary,         as a Chinese,pretended to be a local,but his blue eyes and Greek nose          him          .
  A.dressing;gave…out  B.dressed;gave…away
  C.being dressed;gave…out D.dressing;gave…away
  4.A healthy life is frequently thought to be         the open countryside and homegrown food.
  A.tied to     B.owed to     C.involved in  D.associated with
  5.These months,Japan has been creating incidents against the benefit of China. Nevertheless, the Chinese government has made a/an         to the public to remain .
  A.reservation   B.reference C.appeal    D.urge
  6.         their arrival in Australia, Sir Joseph Banks and his team were amazed         the exotic plants and set out to record and collect them instantly.
  A.On;at     B.At;by     C.With.;about  D.Upon;for
  7.Ben      some knowledge of growing plants just by watching the gardeners working on them.
  A.picp   B.set up     C.wort  D.turned out
  8.The reason why Chinese parents          great value to education is that they believe a university degree gives one a flying start in life
  A.1ay     B.place     C.stick  D.attach
  9.Interestingly, some people have the inborn ability to         others           their goals.
  A.stimulate;to arrive  B.encourage;aplishing
  C.postpone;reaching  D.motivate;to achieve
  10.In reality, girls can be          they want to be just like boys,whether it is a pilot,a scientist or a general manager.
  A.who     B.that     C.whatever  D.whoever
  11.On the highway, I caught sight of an accident in which a Ford was severely damaged with a young man in black              beside it.
  A.1ain unconscious  B.1ay unconsciously
  C.1ying unconscious D.1ying unconsciously
  12.Perseverance is a kind of fine quality—and that is what it       to do anything well.
  A.makes     B.brings     C.takes  D.carries

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