《Growing pains》教案

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  • 资源类别: 译林牛津版 / 高中教案 / 必修二教案
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  • 资源大小: 15 KB
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  • 更新时间: 2009/11/23 20:25:04
  • 资源来源: 会员转发
  • 资源提供: 明春平 [资源集]
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  《Growing pains》教案
  Teaching objectives:
  1. To read about how to express different feelings in different tones.
  2. To develop listening and speaking ability in different tones.
  3. To develop reading skills by reading four diary entries.
  4. To understand the mood of the writer.
  5. To develop writing skills by reading the tips.
  6. To understand the mood of the Mum’s and Jack’s feelings.
  Important and difficult points:
  1. Understanding tones in spoken English.
  2. Reading for gist.
  3. Writing a dialogue.
  Teaching procedures:
  Silding 1: understanding tones in spoken English
  In this part you will read about how to express different feelings in different tones. By listening to one short sentence in different tones and reading the explanation after each sentence, you’ll learn people speak in different tones to express different feelings. Listen to another sentence in different tones to decide whiotional meaning each tone shows.
  1. Read the guidelines in Silding 1 on page 32 before listening to the five versions of the same sentence in different tones. You will see that there are four main points to determine how the speaker is feeling. (Write down the four points on the blackboard.)
  *the volume *the tones *stressed words *the pause
  2. Listen to the example sentence in five different tones one by one. After you listen to one of them, tell what you thint the speaker’s emotion. Is she happy, or angry? Is she in high spirits or in low spirits? Then read the explanation for each sentence.
  3. Read the sentence ‘He will e here tomorrow.’in different emotions.
  If someone is happy about his ing,
  If someone doesn’t want him to e, how will he speak it? In what tone?
  If someone is excited about his ing,
  If someone is frustrated or questioning,
  Then let’s listen to the tape and finish Part A on page 32.
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